JetBrains Rider 2018.1 Help

Executing Tests and Analyzing Results

JetBrains Rider provides several ways to execute unit tests. Whichever way you choose, execution progress, test results, and output are displayed in session tabs of the Unit Tests window.

Different ways of running and debugging unit tests

There are following ways to run or debug unit tests:

  • Use one of the ways to execute tests in the current document.
  • Use one of the ways to execute tests in the project/solution.
  • If there are existing unit test sessions, you can run or debug some or all tests in a session:
    • Select tests that you want to execute in the session tab of the Unit Tests window and click Run Unit Tests ThemedIcon RunTest Screen Gray / Debug Unit Tests ThemedIcon Debug Screen Gray on the toolbar or press Ctrl+U, R / Ctrl+U, D.
    • To run all tests in the session, click Run All Tests ThemedIcon RunAll Screen Gray on the toolbar or alternatively, choose Tests | Run Current Session in the main menu or press Ctrl+U, Y.
    • To continuously run all tests in the session until one of the tests fails, choose Repeat Tests Until Failure from the session's context menu, or go to Tests | Repeat Tests Until Failure in the main menu.

As tests are running in a unit test session, the Stop Execution ThemedIcon StopTest Screen Gray button becomes active. You can click this button to abort execution of the tests. You can run multiple unit test sessions simultaneously. However, when you debug tests, only one test session can be executed at a time.

If necessary, you can always re-run the tests that you executed last by clicking Repeat Previous Run ThemedIcon Rerun Screen Gray on the toolbar, pressing Ctrl+U, U or choosing Tests | Repeat Previous Run in the menu.

You can also re-run tests that failed by pressing Ctrl+U, F or choosing Tests | Rerun Failed Tests in the menu.

Run configurations for test sessions

JetBrains Rider automatically creates a new run configuration for each test session. The created run configuration stays synchronized with the corresponding session until you remove the session.

Analysing execution results and output

When the execution is over, the results are visualized in the Unit Tests window.

dotCover unit test sessions

The output pane (which you can place on the right or on the bottom using the Toggle output position icon toggle output position button on the toolbar) displays output of the selected test. If the test is failed, JetBrains Rider also adds short information on the failure and/or displays the stack trace of an exception. You can use clickable links in the output pane to navigate directly to types and methods involved with the failure.

By default, JetBrains Rider wraps long lines in the output according to the current width of the output area. If necessary, you choose not to wrap long lines by clearing the Wrap long lines in Unit Test Session output checkbox on the Build, Execution, Deployment | Unit Testing page of JetBrains Rider settings (Ctrl+Alt+S).

On the status bar, you can see the total number of tests in the session as well as number of tests in different states:

Unit test filters
By default, tests in all states are shown, but you can click the corresponding icons to filter tests by their state. Status of each test in the Unit Test Sessions window is displayed with one of the following icons:

  • ThemedIcon RunningTest Screen Gray — the unit test is currently executing.
  • ThemedIcon TestPending Screen Gray — the unit test is scheduled for execution in the current run.
  • ThemedIcon StatusUnknown Screen Gray — the unit test was not executed.
  • ThemedIcon Success Screen Gray — the unit test passed in the lats test run.
  • ThemedIcon Error Screen Gray — the unit test failed in the lats test run.
  • ThemedIcon Ignore Screen Gray — the unit test was ignored in the last test run.
  • ThemedIcon StatusAborted Screen Gray — the unit test was aborted in the last test run.
  • ThemedIcon StatusInconclusive Screen Gray — the unit test was started but JetBrains Rider could not read the test runner output. This could be a sign of an error occurring in the test runner.

The same icons are used to display status of grouping items (classes, projects, etc.)

The icons are also used on each session's tab to display the overall execution result of the sessions.

The corresponding icons above the test session tree show how many tests are in each of the states. The ThemedIcon UnitSession Screen Gray icon shows the total number of tests in the session.
Using these icons, you can filter the tree so that only tests in the corresponding status are displayed.

When your focus is in the Unit Tests window, you can use simplified shortcuts for unit testing actions. For example, you can use Ctrl+D instead of Ctrl+U, D for debugging selected tests. Here is the full list of extra shortcuts that work in the Unit Tests window:

  • Shift+EnterRun Selected Tests
  • Ctrl+DDebug Selected Tests
  • Ctrl+YRun Current Session
  • Ctrl+FRerun Failed Tests
  • Shift+Alt+InsertCreate New Session
  • Ctrl+Alt+InsertAppend Selected Tests to Session
  • DeleteRemove Selected Tests
  • Ctrl+LRun All Tests from Solution
Last modified: 20 August 2018