JetBrains Rider 2018.1 Help

Run/Debug Configuration: Xamarin.Android

Use this configuration to run/debug Xamarin.Android applications.

Project If your solution contains multiple Xamarin projects, you can choose which one should be started.
Deploy Select how to deploy your application when you run or debug it:
  • Default APK — Create an APK as specified in your build configuration.
  • Nothing — Don’t install an APK on a device. For example, if you prefer to install it manually.
Launch flags Use this filed to pass any adb am start options to the application.
Target By default, JetBrains Rider will display a dialog where you can choose the target device/emulator each time you run or debug your application.
You can avoid this dialog by choosing Emulator or Connected device in this selector. If you do so, the Name selector appears below it, where you can specify which emulator or device should be used for running/debugging your application.
Last modified: 20 August 2018