JetBrains Rider 2018.1 Help

Starting Debugging

To debug an application, you should attach the debugger to the application process. Thus, you have two options of starting a debugging session:

  • Start the application with the attached debugger.
  • If the application is already running, attach the debugger to it. This way of debugging is convenient if you develop the application in JetBrains Rider, but (for some reasons) are not able to launch it directly from your IDE.

To start an application and debug it, do one of the following

  • Select the run/debug configuration to execute, and then do one of the following:
    • Click debug on the toolbar.
    • Choose Run | Debug from the main menu.
    • Press F5.
  • Press Shift+Alt+F9, select a run/debug configuration from the pop-up menu, and press Enter.

To attach to a local process and debug it

  1. Launch the process intended for debugging. You can do it from your operating system or using the JetBrains Rider terminal.
  2. To find the process to attach to, do one of the following:
    • Press Ctrl+Alt+P.
    • Choose Run | Attach to Local Process from the main menu.
  3. From the list of available processes that appears, select the desired process. Simplify your search by typing the first letters of its name or PID.
    Rider remembers processes that you attached to previously, and displays them at the top of the list.
  4. The debugger will attach to the application.

Once the session is started, proceed with debugging: (set breakpoints, step through, pause and resume the process, evaluate expressions etc.) When finished, press Shift+F5, select Run | Stop in the menu, or click Stop the process stop in the Debug window. This will detach the debugger from the application and close the application (in case you have run it from JetBrains Rider).

While debugging, you can perform the most common debugger actions from the Alt+Enter menu. For example Run to cursor, Jump to statement or Toggle breakpoints:

Last modified: 20 August 2018