JetBrains Rider 2018.2 Help

Create Table and Modify Table dialogs

Upper part: GUI

The upper part of the dialog provides a GUI for defining the table structure, and associated constraints and indexes.

SQL Script

The pane under SQL Script shows the statement or statements to be run to achieve the result you have specified using the GUI.

You can use this pane just as a preview. You can also edit the statement or statements right there.




Execute in database

Change data structure in your database by running the statement or statements.

Execute. Execute the statements right away. If associated changes in database consoles are possible, the corresponding preview is shown. See .

Preview. Preview potential associated changes prior to executing the statements.

Replace existing DDL

Replace the definition (usually, a CREATE statement) in the corresponding database console or SQL file with the statements shown under SQL Script.

Replace. Perform the replacement right away. If associated changes are possible, the corresponding preview is shown.

Preview. Preview potential associated changes prior to performing the replacement.

Open in editor

Copy the statements into the corresponding database console or SQL file.
  • Modify existing objects. In the generated set of statements, ALTER statements are preferred to CREATE statements.

  • Create modified objects. The changes you have made using the GUI are translated into a minimal set of CREATE and other statements.

  • Create all objects. The generated set always includes the CREATE TABLE statement, as if the whole table were created anew.

To Editor. Switch to the corresponding editor tab right away. If associated changes are possible, the corresponding preview is shown prior to copying the statements.

Preview. Preview potential associated changes.

Last modified: 21 December 2018

See Also