JetBrains Rider 2018.3 Help

Highlighting Usages in File

Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File

If you are looking for usages of a symbol in the current document, it could be more convenient to highlight all usages and jump between them, rather than to analyze the usages in the Find Results window. Note that read and write access usages are highlighted in different colors.

You can invoke this command on different symbols to highlight usages of several different symbols simultaneously. The highlighting is preserved until you press Esc.

If you you have a selection in the current document, this command works the same way as Find (Ctrl+F) — it lets you search for textual occurrences of the selection in the document.

To highlight usages of a symbol in the current document

  1. Position the caret at a symbol declaration or usage in the editor editor.

  2. In the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File or press Shift+Alt+F11.

  3. JetBrains Rider highlights all read usages with blue and all write usages with red.

  4. The highlights are also duplicated with blue and red markers on the marker bar on the right. Checking these markers may be helpful if not all highlights are visible on the current screen.
    To navigate between the highlighted items, choose Edit | Find | Find Next/Previous in the menu or press F3 / Shift+F3.
    When you finish examining the highlights, press Esc to remove them.

Highlighting usages of a symbol in the current document
Last modified: 25 April 2019

See Also