JetBrains Rider 2020.1 Help

Performance Profiler window

View | Tool Windows | Performance Profiler

This window allows you to profile and analyze performance bottlenecks in .NET applications.

The Performance Profiler is a multi-tab window consisting of:

  • The All Snapshots tab used to open collected snapshots

  • The Profiling tab used to control a profiling session.

  • Analysis tabs used to analyze collected performance snapshots.

All Snapshots tab

profiler all snapshots png

The All Snapshots tab is used to open previously collected snapshots. The tab contains a table with four columns each showing the corresponding snapshot parameter: Date, Snapshot, Profiling Type, and Size. The field on the top shows an absolute path to the snapshot file.

To open a snapshot, double-click it.

Profiling tab

JetBrains Rider: profiling controller

After you start a profiling session, the Performance Profiler window will be opened on the Profiling tab. The tab allows you to manually control the session using the buttons on the toolbar:

Toolbar Controls

ThemedIcon StatusAll Screen Gray pngAll Tests Show all tests in the current test session.
ThemedIcon Success Screen Gray pngPassed Tests Only show successful tests and hide all other tests.
ThemedIcon StatusFailedPassive Screen Gray pngFailed Tests Only show failed tests and hide all other tests.
ThemedIcon Ignore Screen Gray pngIgnored Tests Only show ignored tests and hide all other tests. A test is ignored if it has the corresponding attribute, or if the whole category where it belongs is ignored.
icon start profiling pngStart Recording Start collecting performance data.
If you see this button right from the session start, then you have not selected the Collect profiling data from start checkbox in the profiling options.
icon get snapshot pngGet Snapshot Generate a snapshot and stop collecting performance data.
icon restart profiling png
Restart Discard the collected performance data and restart collecting.
icon detach profiler png
Detach | Detach All Detach dotTrace from the profiled process | processes, but keep the process(es) running. Not available when using the Tracing or Line-by-line profiling types. The snapshot is not taken.
icon kill profiled app png
Kill | Kill All Kill the profiled process | processes. The snapshot is not taken.

IMPORTANT: the profiler will automatically get a snapshot if you close the profiled application or the application successfully finishes working.

The Profiling tab contains two lists:

  • The list of profiled processes on the left.

  • The list of collected snapshots on the right. The row marked with the icon profiled process png icon indicates the currently collected data.

Snapshot analysis tabs

After you double-click a snapshot on the All Snapshots tab, the snapshot will be opened in a separate tab of the Performance Profiler window. The tab will be named after the name of the profiled process.

Use the analysis tab to analyze the snapshot: find the slowest methods, navigate through the call tree, and so on.

The tab consists of two views:

  • Call Tree: a call tree that shows all method calls in all threads. For more information on Call Tree, refer to the dotTrace documentation.

  • Top Methods: a plain list of methods with the highest own time. For more information on Top Methods, refer to the dotTrace documentation.

Last modified: 08 May 2020