JetBrains Rider 2021.2 Help

Errors/Warnings in Solution window

This window displays the list of solution-wide errors/warnings that were discovered during solution-wide analysis.

JetBrains Rider: Errors in Solution window

Toolbar Controls




Themed icon solution analysis screen gray

Analyze Errors in Solution

Toggles solution-wide analysis on/off.

Themed icon solution analysis pause screen gray/ Themed icon solution analysis continue screen gray

Pause/Continue Analysis

If you turn solution-wide analysis off and then decide to turn it on again, JetBrains Rider will have to repeat some of the initial calculations, which may be time-consuming. To avoid this, you can pause and resume solution-wide analysis instead.

Themed icon warning screen gray

Hide/Show Warnings

If warnings monitoring is disabled on the Editor | Inspection Settings page of JetBrains Rider settings, this button will start the analysis of warnings and if any warnings are found, they will be shown in the window.

If warnings monitoring is enabled in settings, this button lets you show or hide warnings without restarting the analysis.

When warnings are enabled in solution-wide analysis, it works as follows: as long as there are errors in the solution, only errors will be displayed; unresolved warnings will only appear when the last error is fixed. When warnings are disabled, the status bar indicator will turn green as soon as the last error is fixed.

Themed icon ignore errors screen gray

Ignore Errors

Excludes selected errors/warnings (or all errors/warnings in a selected file) from the list of found issues (or strikes them through if Show Ignored Errors is switched on). For more information, see ignoring errors in solution.

Themed icon unignore errors screen gray

Stop Ignoring Errors

Shows or previously ignored errors (or removes strikethrough if Show Ignored Errors is switched on). For more information, see ignoring errors in solution.

Themed icon show ignored errors screen gray

Show Ignored Errors

Makes ignored errors visible but strikes them through.

Themed icon reanalyze files with errors screen gray

Reanalyze Files with Errors

Launches the process of reanalyzing files where errors were previously found.

Themed icon reanalyze all files screen gray

Reanalyze All

Launches the process of reanalyzing all files in the solution.

Themed icon expand all screen gray Themed icon collapse all screen gray

Expand All/ Collapse All

Ctrl+NumPad +/ Ctrl+NumPad -

Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.

Icon scroll from source on title bar

Show Frameworks in Tree

When this option is enabled, you can expand each error/warning to see for which of the selected .NET frameworks it applies.

Frameworks selector

Use this selector to choose which .NET frameworks should be used as sources of errors and warnings.

Icons general autoscroll to source

Navigate with Single Click

When this button is pressed, the editor opens the file and scrolls it according to the items selected in the window.

Title bar context menu and buttons

You can right-click the window title bar and use the context menu to configure its viewing mode, associate the window with a different tool window bar, or resize and hide the window.

You can also use the toolbar buttons:




Scroll from Editor

Automatically sets the focus on the object name in the Project view when the editor area is in focus.

Hide tool window


Hide the tool window.

To hide all the tool windows, press Ctrl+Shift+F12.

Last modified: 01 October 2021