JetBrains Rider 2022.1 Help

Find window

This window is used to display various search results (for example, usages of a symbol, exposing APIs of a symbol, and more) It displays results of the latest search as well as results of previous searches in different tabs. The results of each new search command are displayed in a separate tab except for the same search/navigation command.

JetBrains Rider: Find results window

You can quickly open documents containing specific search results by double-clicking on these results.

Toolbar Controls

Depending on the type of search results, the set of toolbar controls may vary.




the Rerun button



Repeat the last search.

App general pin tab

Pin Tab

Click this button to pin or unpin the current tab. You may need to pin a tab to prevent it from closing automatically when the maximum number of tabs is reached in this window.

Themed icon expand all screen gray Themed icon collapse all screen gray

Expand All/Collapse All

Ctrl+NumPad +/Ctrl+NumPad -

Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.

Themed icon up screen gray Themed icon down screen gray


Ctrl+Alt+Up/ Ctrl+Alt+Down

Navigate to the previous/next item and scrolls through the source code accordingly.

App toolbar decorator export


Click this button to export the data currently displayed in the window in text format .

App general autoscroll to source

Navigate with Single Click

When this button is pressed, the editor opens the file and scrolls it according to the items selected in the window.

Themed icon merge screen gray

Merge Occurrences on the Same Line


When this option is selected, occurrences on the same line are shown as a single item.

Themed icon usage read screen gray

Show Only Read Usages Ctrl+R

When this option is selected, only read usages are displayed. Available for usages of fields, properties and local variables.

Themed icon usage write screen gray

Show Only Write Usages Ctrl+W

When this option is selected, only write usages are displayed. Available for usages of fields, properties, and local variables.

Icon sort alphabetically

Sort Members Alphabetically

By default, members are sorted in the declaration order. You can click this button to display members in the alphabetical order.

Title bar context menu and buttons

You can right-click the window title bar and use the context menu to configure its viewing mode, associate the window with a different tool window bar, or resize and hide the window.

You can also use the toolbar buttons:




Hide tool window


Hide the tool window .

To hide all the tool windows, press Ctrl+Shift+F12.

Last modified: 22 July 2022