JetBrains Rider 2024.2 Help

Complete Statement

This command inserts necessary syntax elements (parentheses, braces, semicolons and so on) and gets you in position where you can start typing the next statement.

Complete current statement

  1. Type the core of a statement (see scenarios below for examples).

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

The command is helpful in numerous scenarios, including auto-closing parentheses, adding semicolons, completing if, while and for statements, and more.

For example, whenever you declare a new method, complete statement comes handy after specifying method parameters:

public void Foo(string input

At this point, to start writing the method body, you normally have to:

  • Insert a missing parenthesis.

  • Press Enter.

  • Insert an opening brace.

  • Press Enter once again.

With JetBrains Rider, you only have to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter, and it will automatically insert a closing parenthesis, as well as both braces, and place the caret right where you can proceed with writing the method body:

public void Foo(string input) { // the caret is here }

In similar ways, Complete Statement works with the following language constructs:

  • Types and type members: class, interface, struct, enum, delegate, field, event, and method declarations.

  • Statements: if, while, do, switch, using, lock, continue, break, and return statements; case and default clauses; conversion of single-line statements to block statements.

  • Expressions: invocation, element access, string/char literals; object, member, and collection item initializers; expressions that create anonymous types and implicitly typed arrays.

Below, you can find a number of examples of applying the complete statement command in different contexts.

Use case

Before Complete Statement

After Complete Statement

Class declaration

public class Foo/*caret*/
public class Foo { /*caret*/ }

Delegate declaration

delegate void ChangeHandler(object sender/*caret*/
internal delegate void ChangeHandler(object sender); /*caret*/

Nested method invocation

myVar.DoSomething(foo.Bar(value)); /*caret*/

if statement

if(myVar != null/*caret*/
if(myVar != null) { /*caret*/ }

case clause

switch (position) { case Position.Last/*caret*/ }
switch (position) { case Position.Last: /*caret*/ }

Conversion of a single-line statement into block (case A)

if(myVar != null) position = Position.Last;/*caret*/
if(myVar != null) { position = Position.Last; /*caret*/ }

Conversion of a single-line statement into block (case B)

if(myVar != null) /*caret*/position = Position.Last;
if(myVar != null) { /*caret*/ position = Position.Last; }

Element access expression

var myValues = new Value[10/*caret*/
var myValues = new Value[10]; /*caret*/
Last modified: 11 February 2024