RiderFlow 2023.1 Help

Scene view management toolbar

RiderFlow adds a new toolbar for Scene view management, with the following tools:

Search tool

This tool is similar to Search Everywhere but serves a different purpose. For one thing, it will only show assets that you can use in the scene. For another, the search window stays open and allows you to drag assets from your search results directly into the scene.

  1. Press Ctrl+Space or click the search icon in the toolbar.

  2. Type the name of an asset or part of the name.

  3. Drag and drop assets from the items being shown to the scene.

  4. If the asset is prefab then a new GameObject will appear on the scene. If the asset is a script, material, or sound, then you can only drag and drop such assets to an existing GameObject on the scene.

Camera presets

You can quickly save the current camera position as a preset — just give it a name and a keyboard shortcut will be automatically assigned to it.

Create a new camera preset

  1. Click the camera icon in the toolbar.

  2. In the popup that opens, set a name for a preset and click Create.

  3. A new camera preset is created.

Explore camera presets

  1. Click the camera icon in the toolbar.

  2. In the popup that opens, you can switch between camera presets by clicking them or using keyboard shortcuts (Alt+1, Alt+2, ... Alt+0.). You can also edit names and remove presets.


Bookmarks provide you with a simple way for jumping between GameObjects. Any bookmarks set in the Hierarchy view can be accessed quickly in the toolbar, making it easy to jump to your favorite objects.

Explore bookmarks

  1. Click the star icon in the toolbar:

  2. In the popup that opens, you can jump to the bookmarked GameObjects by clicking them or using keyboard shortcuts (Alt+1, Alt+2, ... Alt+0.).

The settings of these tools are stored in the Assets\RiderFlow.UserData folder, which means they can be shared with the whole team.

Last modified: 09 October 2023