RubyMine 2017.2 Help

Configuring Output Encoding

RubyMine creates files using the IDE encoding defined in the File Encodings page of the Settings dialog, which can be either system default, or the one selected from list of available encodings. Output in the consoles is also treated in this encoding.

It is possible that encoding used in the console output is different from the IDE default. To have RubyMine properly parse text in the console, you have to do some additional editing.

To set up encoding for the console output, depending on your operating system:

  • In Windows and Linux:

    Open for editing RUBYMINE_HOME/bin/rubymine.exe.vmoptions

    respectively, and add the following line at the bottom:
    -Dconsole.encoding=<encoding name>

    For example:
  • In macOS: Open Info.plist located in /Applications/, locate the tag <key>VMOptions</key>, and modify it as follows:

    <key>VMOptions</key> <string>-Xms16m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=120m -Xbootclasspath/p:../lib/boot.jar -ea -Dconsole.encoding=<encoding name> </string>
Last modified: 26 October 2017

See Also

