RubyMine 2017.2 Help

RSpec 'let'

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RubyMine implements extracting let as follows:

  • Introduces the initialization of let inside rspec describe/context block as the first statement.
  • Provides an editable template to insert the new name.
  • Searches for fragments in the scenarios and replaces them with the let calls.
  • If a fragment has been found in several scenarios(see example 3), suggests a confirmation dialog:

Performing refactoring

To perform the refactoring, follow these steps:

  1. Open for editing an RSpec file in question.
  2. Make the required selection.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • On the main menu, choose Refactor | Extract | RSpec 'let'.
    • On the context menu of the selection, choose Refactor | Extract | RSpec 'let'.
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R.

As a results, a new let block shows up in the current RSpec block.


RSpec.describe "let" do it "memorizes the value 2" do # selection starts here # count = 1 count1 = count # selection ends here # expect(count).to eq(1) expect(count1).to eq(1) end end
RSpec.describe "let" do let(:name) do count = 1 count1 = count return count, count1 end it "memorizes the value 2" do count, count1 = name expect(count).to eq(1) expect(count1).to eq(1) end end
RSpec.describe "let" do it "memorizes the value" do count = 1 count.should == 1 end end
RSpec.describe "let" do let(:count) do count = 1 end it "memorizes the value" do count.should == 1 end end
RSpec.describe "let" do it "memorizes the value" do count = 1 count.should == 1 end it "memorizes the value" do count = 1 count.should == 1 end it "memorizes the value" do count = 1 count.should == 1 end end
RSpec.describe "let" do let(:count) do count = 1 end it "memorizes the value" do count.should == 1 end it "memorizes the value" do count.should == 1 end it "memorizes the value" do count.should == 1 end end

See Also

Language and Framework-Specific Guidelines:

Last modified: 21 July 2017