RubyMine 2019.2 Help

Configuring Remote Interpreters using Vagrant

To configure a remote interpreter using Vargant, you need a launched Vagrant box with the Ruby interpreter installed. Perform the following steps to do this:

  1. Open the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, go to the Language & Frameworks | Ruby SDK and Gems page.

  2. Click the Add icon and select New remote… in the drop-down:

    rm add remote ruby interpreter

  3. In the invoked dialog, select Vagrant.

    rm remote sdk vagrant

    If a project root folder contains a Vagrantfile pointing to a running virtual machine, RubyMine detects the Vagrant Instance Folder automatically and displays the Vagrant Host URL used to access a virtual machine. If necessary, you can change the Vagrant Instance Folder to use another virtual machine.

    In Ruby or version manager path, specify the path to the Ruby interpreter or the version manager executable. Click OK.

  4. (Optional) If you specified a path to the version manager executable in the previous dialog, RubyMine suggests you select the Ruby interpreter used to run a remote application.

    rm remote attach select distribution

  5. Select the added SDK in the Ruby SDK and Gems page.

    rm remote sdk vagrant gems page
  6. (Optional) If you want to use the added SDK to debug a remote process, specify mappings between files of a local and remote project. To do this, click the Edit Path Mappings icons vcs mapBase button. In the Edit Project Path Mappings dialog, specify the local and remote project root paths.

    rm remote sdk vagrant mappings

RubyMine detects the Vagrant synced folders and adds corresponding mappings automatically.

Last modified: 5 September 2019