RubyMine 2020.1 Help

Rails view

The special Rails view shows logical project structure displaying controllers, models, views, DB migrations as Rails elements rather than files and directories. From the Rails view, you can gain quick access to the application elements and their contents (controller methods, associated and partial views, and so on).

When using the Rails view, note the following:

  • The Rails view doesn't display the excluded directories, .idea, and script directories.

  • Controller views that don't have associated Rails actions, are shown under the corresponding controller class node.

  • All non-view files from controller's views folder are shown under the corresponding controller class node.

  • All layouts are shown under top-level Layouts node Layouts.

  • Helpers (unclassified) node unclassified contains all files, except for the helpers that correspond to controllers by naming conventions.

  • Views (unclassified) node unclassified contains all files and folders except for the controller's views folders.

  • db (unclassified) node unclassified contains all files and folders except for the migrate folder. Instead, migrations are shown in the Models | Migrations node.

Last modified: 29 May 2020