JetBrains Space Help

OAuth 2.0 Errors

Authorization Response Errors

The following errors can be returned by a request to the authorization endpoint <Space service URL>/oauth/auth.





The authorization request to Space is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.

Verify that all of the parameters are correct, that the provided client_id exists, and so on.


The redirect_URI of the service either is incorrect or missing.

  1. Make sure the redirect_uri is correct and properly registered as one of the service's redirect URIs.

  2. Make sure your provided at least one redirect_uri in Space.


The resource owner or Space denied the request.

Verify that you are using the correct values for the scope parameter.


The parameter response_type is either missing or has an invalid value.

Verify that you have set the value for the response_type to token.


The parameter scope is missing, or the scope for which authorization is requested does not match permissions registered and authorized for the application.

Make sure that the request is correct and the requested permissions are pre-authorized in Space.

Token Response Errors

The following errors can be returned by a request to the token endpoint <Space service URL>/oauth/token. For more information, read the definition of each error in the RFC6749 standard.





The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value (other than grant type), repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the application, or is otherwise malformed.

Check the response header, then check if the request is correct.


Application authentication failed. For example, the application is uknown in Space or no application authentication included.

Check the value for the client_id parameter.


The authorization grant type is not supported by Space.

Verify that you have set the value for the response_type to token.


The scope parameter is missing or its values do not match the permissiones pre-authorized in Space for the application.

Verify that you are using the correct values for the scope parameter.


The authorization flow is not supported.

Make sure the application type you specified for your application when registered supports the authorization flow you're using.


Possible reasons:

  • Refresh token was issued to another application service.

  • Refresh token is unknown.

  • Authorization code is unknown or is of invalid format.

  • The client_secret is of invalid format.

  • Provided credentials of the resource owner are invalid.

  • Requested scope does not match that allowed by access token

Last modified: 18 August 2021