JetBrains Space Help

Run Steps in Parallel and in Sequence

By default, a job runs steps sequentially one after another. To run them in parallel, use the parallel statement. To run steps sequentially inside the parallel block, use sequential:

job("Build and run tests") { container(displayName = "Run build", image = "gradle:6.1.1-jre11") { kotlinScript { api -> api.gradle("build", "-x", "test") } } parallel { container(displayName = "Run main tests", image = "gradle:6.1.1-jre11") { kotlinScript { api -> api.gradle("mainTests") } } sequential { container(displayName = "Prepare test data", image = "gradle:6.1.1-jre11") { kotlinScript { api -> api.gradle("generateTestData") } } container(displayName = "Run int tests", image = "gradle:6.1.1-jre11") { kotlinScript { api -> api.gradle("integrationTests") } } } } }
Last modified: 15 December 2023