TeamCity On-Premises 2021.1 Help

MSBuild Service Tasks

For MSBuild, TeamCity provides the following service tasks that implement the same options as the Build Script Interaction:


TeamCitySetBuildNumber allows user to change BuildNumber:

<TeamCitySetBuildNumber BuildNumber="1.3_{build.number}" />

It is possible to use {build.number} as a placeholder for older build number.


TeamCityProgressMessage allows you to write progress message.

<TeamCityProgressMessage Text="Progress message text" />


TeamCityPublishArtifacts allows you to publish all artifacts taken from MSBuild item group

<ItemGroup> <Files Include="*.dll" /> </ItemGroup> <TeamCityPublishArtifacts SourceFiles="@(Files-> '%(FullPath)' )" Condition=" '$(TEAMCITY_VERSION)' != '' "/>


TeamCityReportStatsValue is a handy task to publish statistic values

<TeamCityReportStatsValue Key="StatsValueType" Value="42" />


TeamCityBuildProblem task reports a build problem which actually fails the build. Build problems appear on the build results page and also affect build status text.

<TeamCityBuildProblem description="description" identity="identity"/>
  • Mandatory description attribute is a human-readable text describing the build problem. By default description appears in build status text.

  • identity is an optional attribute and characterizes particular build problem instance. Shouldn't change throughout builds if the same problem occurs, e.g. the same compilation error. Should be a valid Java id up to 60 characters. By default identity is calculated based on description.


TeamCitySetStatus is a task to change current build status text.

<TeamCitySetStatus Status="<status value>" Text="{build.status.text} and some aftertext" />

{build.status.text is substituted with older status text. Status can have the SUCCESS value.

Last modified: 26 February 2021