TeamCity On-Premises 2024.03 Help

TeamCity Home Directory

The TeamCity Home Directory or the TeamCity Installation Directory is the directory where the TeamCity server application files and libraries have been unpacked when TeamCity was installed. The location of the TeamCity Home directory is defined when you install the TeamCity server. The default directory suggested by the Windows installation package is C:\TeamCity; however, TeamCity can be installed into any directory.

Important Files and Directories

  • TeamCity-readme.txt — description of the directory

  • BUILD_<number> — TeamCity server application build number

  • Uninstall.exe — used to uninstall the currently installed server

  • /bin — contains executable binary files and scripts (only available in TeamCity .tar.gz and .exe distributions)

    • runAll.bat — batch script to start/stop the server and a build agent from the console under Windows

    • — Shell script to start/stop the server and a build agent under Linux/Unix

    • teamcity-server.bat — batch script to start/stop the server only from the console under Windows

    • — Shell script to start/stop the server only under Linux/Unix

    • maintainDB.cmd — Windows Command line script to back up, restore, and migrate the server data between different databases

    • — Shell script to back up, restore, and migrate the server data between different databases

  • /buildAgentBuild Agent Home Directory

  • /conf — contains all configuration files for the TeamCity server

    • server.xml — the main server configuration file

  • /devPackage — the bundled development package that can be used to start developing TeamCity plugins.

  • /jre — the bundled JRE installation directory

  • /licenses — licenses for the third-party libraries distributed with TeamCity

  • /logs — contains the TeamCity server logs

  • /temp — temporary directory

  • /webapps — TeamCity web application data

  • /work — standard Tomcat directory where Tomcat writes cache files for every page it serves

Last modified: 07 September 2023