TeamCity On-Premises 2024.07 Help

Install and Start TeamCity Server

TeamCity Server is a web application responsible for the core functionality of TeamCity. It provides a user interface, distributes the jobs (builds) to TeamCity agents, and aggregates their results. This section contains articles related to installing and starting your own instance of TeamCity Server.


Before installing the server, make sure to:

  1. Estimate your system requirements.

  2. Read about supported platforms.

  3. Select a convenient installation package, as described below.

Select TeamCity Installation Package

TeamCity installation package is identical for both Professional and Enterprise Editions.

The TeamCity download page on the official JetBrains website provides the following installation options:

Target platform

Distribution option




Executable Windows installer bundled with Tomcat and Java.

Windows and Linux/macOS


Archive for manual installation bundled with a Tomcat servlet container.

Docker (Linux, Windows)


The official JetBrains TeamCity server Docker image.

Java Installation

TeamCity Server is a JVM web application that runs in a Tomcat application server. It requires a Java SE JRE installation to run. See what Java versions are bundled with TeamCity or read how to install a non-bundled version of Java.

Last modified: 07 September 2023