TeamCity REST API Reference 2024.07 Help


An agent pool that is the group of agents with shared permissions and available projects.

Related Help article: Agent Pool



The unique ID of this pool. The Default pool has the ID value of 0.


The public name of the pool.


Returns the shortened (without the server URL) link to the current pool.


The pool capacity. Returns null for pools with the unlimited number of agent slots.


Returns the corresponding project for project pool. A project pool is an automatically created agent pool for cloud agents spawned from cloud images that belong to this (non-Root) project. These agents can run builds of the corresponding project only.

Regular (non-project) pools return null.


Returns the list of projects assigned to this pool. Pool agents can run builds of these assigned projects only.

Send POST and DELETE requests to the /app/rest/agentPools/{poolLocator}/projects endpoint to change the list of projects assigned to this pool.


The list of agents owned by this pool.

Send POST requests to the /app/rest/agentPools/{agentPoolLocator}/agents endpoint to add agents to the required pool. To remove an agent from the specific pool, add this agent to the Default (id:0) pool.




Below, you can find a full schema of this object, in XML and JSON formats. You can choose what fields to submit depending on your current needs. Different methods might expect different fields: the best approach is to request this entity via GET and use the response as a base for the following POST request.

A link to another object implies that you can substitute it with the schema of the linked object, if it is required for your call.

<agentPool href="/app/rest/agentPools/id:82" id="31" locator="string" maxAgents="10" name="Kubernetes"> <ownerProject archived="true" description="string" href="string" id="string" internalId="string" locator="string" name="string" parentProjectId="string" parentProjectInternalId="string" parentProjectName="string" uuid="string" virtual="true" webUrl="string"> <links>[[[links...|links.html]]]</links> <parentProject>[[[project...|project.html]]]</parentProject> <readOnlyUI>[[[StateField...|statefield.html]]]</readOnlyUI> <defaultTemplate>[[[buildType...|buildtype.html]]]</defaultTemplate> <buildTypes>[[[buildTypes...|buildtypes.html]]]</buildTypes> <templates>[[[buildTypes...|buildtypes.html]]]</templates> <deploymentDashboards>[[[deploymentDashboards...|deploymentdashboards.html]]]</deploymentDashboards> <parameters>[[[properties...|properties.html]]]</parameters> <vcsRoots>[[[vcs-roots...|vcsroots.html]]]</vcsRoots> <projectFeatures>[[[projectFeatures...|projectfeatures.html]]]</projectFeatures> <projects>[[[projects...|projects.html]]]</projects> <cloudProfiles>[[[cloudProfiles...|cloudprofiles.html]]]</cloudProfiles> <ancestorProjects>[[[projects...|projects.html]]]</ancestorProjects> </ownerProject> <projects count="123" href="string" nextHref="string" prevHref="string"> <project>[[[project...|project.html]]]</project> </projects> <agents count="7" href="/app/rest/agents" nextHref="/app/rest/agents?locator=count:200,start:250" prevHref="/app/rest/agents?locator=count:50,start:0"> <agent>[[[agent...|agent.html]]]</agent> </agents> <agentTypes count="123" href="string" nextHref="string" prevHref="string"> <agentType>[[[agentType...|agenttype.html]]]</agentType> </agentTypes> </agentPool>
{ "projects" : { "count" : 8, "project" : [ "[[[project...|project.html]]]" ], "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "maxAgents" : 10, "ownerProject" : { "virtual" : true, "parentProjectName" : "parentProjectName", "vcsRoots" : { "count" : 2, "vcs-root" : [ "[[[vcs-root...|vcsroot.html]]]" ], "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "projects" : { "count" : 8, "project" : [ "[[[project...|project.html]]]" ], "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "defaultTemplate" : { "template" : "[[[buildType...|buildtype.html]]]", "paused" : true, "description" : "description", "project" : "[[[project...|project.html]]]", "investigations" : "[[[investigations...|investigations.html]]]", "templateFlag" : true, "type" : "regular", "uuid" : "uuid", "projectInternalId" : "projectInternalId", "internalId" : "internalId", "features" : "[[[features...|features.html]]]", "builds" : "[[[builds...|builds.html]]]", "links" : "[[[links...|links.html]]]", "id" : "id", "href" : "href", "compatibleCloudImages" : "[[[cloudImages...|cloudimages.html]]]", "settings" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "vcsRootInstances" : "[[[vcs-root-instances...|vcsrootinstances.html]]]", "templates" : "[[[buildTypes...|buildtypes.html]]]", "artifact-dependencies" : "[[[artifact-dependencies...|artifactdependencies.html]]]", "compatibleAgents" : "[[[agents...|agents.html]]]", "pauseComment" : "[[[comment...|comment.html]]]", "triggers" : "[[[triggers...|triggers.html]]]", "branches" : "[[[branches...|branches.html]]]", "steps" : "[[[steps...|steps.html]]]", "externalStatusAllowed" : true, "agent-requirements" : "[[[agent-requirements...|agentrequirements.html]]]", "webUrl" : "webUrl", "inherited" : true, "snapshot-dependencies" : "[[[snapshot-dependencies...|snapshotdependencies.html]]]", "name" : "name", "vcs-root-entries" : "[[[vcs-root-entries...|vcsrootentries.html]]]", "projectName" : "projectName", "projectId" : "projectId", "parameters" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "locator" : "locator" }, "description" : "description", "uuid" : "uuid", "parentProjectInternalId" : "parentProjectInternalId", "cloudProfiles" : { "count" : 6, "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "cloudProfile" : [ "[[[cloudProfile...|cloudprofile.html]]]" ], "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "internalId" : "internalId", "archived" : true, "parentProjectId" : "parentProjectId", "deploymentDashboards" : { "count" : 0, "deploymentDashboard" : [ "[[[deploymentDashboard...|deploymentdashboard.html]]]" ], "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "links" : { "count" : 4, "link" : [ "[[[link...|link.html]]]" ] }, "id" : "id", "href" : "href", "parentProject" : { "virtual" : true, "parentProjectName" : "parentProjectName", "vcsRoots" : "[[[vcs-roots...|vcsroots.html]]]", "projects" : "[[[projects...|projects.html]]]", "defaultTemplate" : "[[[buildType...|buildtype.html]]]", "description" : "description", "uuid" : "uuid", "parentProjectInternalId" : "parentProjectInternalId", "cloudProfiles" : "[[[cloudProfiles...|cloudprofiles.html]]]", "internalId" : "internalId", "archived" : true, "parentProjectId" : "parentProjectId", "deploymentDashboards" : "[[[deploymentDashboards...|deploymentdashboards.html]]]", "links" : "[[[links...|links.html]]]", "id" : "id", "href" : "href", "parentProject" : "[[[project...|project.html]]]", "templates" : "[[[buildTypes...|buildtypes.html]]]", "readOnlyUI" : "[[[StateField...|statefield.html]]]", "webUrl" : "webUrl", "buildTypes" : "[[[buildTypes...|buildtypes.html]]]", "name" : "name", "ancestorProjects" : "[[[projects...|projects.html]]]", "parameters" : "[[[properties...|properties.html]]]", "projectFeatures" : "[[[projectFeatures...|projectfeatures.html]]]", "locator" : "locator" }, "templates" : { "buildType" : [ "[[[buildType...|buildtype.html]]]" ], "count" : 3, "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "readOnlyUI" : { "inherited" : true, "value" : true }, "webUrl" : "webUrl", "buildTypes" : { "buildType" : [ "[[[buildType...|buildtype.html]]]" ], "count" : 3, "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "name" : "name", "ancestorProjects" : { "count" : 8, "project" : [ "[[[project...|project.html]]]" ], "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" }, "parameters" : { "count" : 1, "property" : [ { "inherited" : true, "name" : "name", "type" : "[[[type...|type.html]]]", "value" : "value" } ], "href" : "href" }, "projectFeatures" : { "projectFeature" : [ "[[[projectFeature...|projectfeature.html]]]" ], "count" : 1, "href" : "href" }, "locator" : "locator" }, "name" : "Kubernetes", "id" : 31, "href" : "/app/rest/agentPools/id:82", "locator" : "locator", "agents" : { "agent" : [ "[[[agent...|agent.html]]]" ], "count" : 7, "prevHref" : "/app/rest/agents?locator=count:50,start:0", "href" : "/app/rest/agents", "nextHref" : "/app/rest/agents?locator=count:200,start:250" }, "agentTypes" : { "agentType" : [ "[[[agentType...|agenttype.html]]]" ], "count" : 1, "prevHref" : "prevHref", "href" : "href", "nextHref" : "nextHref" } }
Last modified: 21 August 2024