TeamCity Add-in 2016.3 Help

My Changes window

ReSharper | TeamCity | My Changes

This window displays information on any changes you have committed to the source control systems enabled in the TeamCity Add-in options, as well as your personal builds . The changes pane groups changes by the time (today, yesterday, and older) of the build (either personal or general) they were included into, and each change is marked with a build status icon.

In addition, if your modifications have been committed to the source control, the changeset is marked with the labels that display the commit type and status.

Select a specific change to display builds related to this change in the builds pane. The builds pane displays the following information:

  • Project name and build configuration
  • Fixed in: number of the build, where the error was fixed
  • First run in: number of the first build, where the selected change was included, and failure descriptions (if applicable).
  • Current: the latest running build that contains this change.
TeamCity Add-in: My Changes window

Toolbar controls in the Changes Pane

/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.Refresh.Screen.[Gray].png Refresh Updates window content to reflect status of builds on your TeamCity server.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.ExpandAll.Screen.[Gray].png /help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.CollapseAll.Screen.[Gray].png Expand All/ Collapse All Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.SplitBottom.Screen.[Gray].png Horizontal/Vertical Layout Allows changing the position of the results pane (right or bottom)
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.FilterHideSuccessfull.Screen.[Gray].png Hide Successful Allows displaying only the changes which resulted in failed builds; changes which resulted in successful builds are hidden
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.FilterShowPersonalOnly.Screen.[Gray].png Hide Non-personal Allows displaying only changes in personal builds.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.OpenInBrowser.Screen.[Gray].png Open in Web Allows displaying details on the selected change in the web UI of your TeamCity server

Changesets Status Icons

Status IconDescription
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.BuildRunningSuccess.Screen.[Gray].png Build configuration with the changeset is running on your TeamCity server with no failed build steps.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.BuildRunningFail.Screen.[Gray].pngBuild configuration is running with failed build steps.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.Success.Screen.[Gray].pngBuild configuration has completed successfully.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.Error.Screen.[Gray].pngBuild configuration has failed.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.BuildCancelled.Screen.[Gray].pngBuild configuration has been cancelled on your TeamCity server.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.Hourglass.Screen.[Gray].pngBuild configuration is in the build queue on your TeamCity server.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.PersonalRunningSuccess.Screen.[Gray].png Personal build configuration is running on your TeamCity server with no failed build steps.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.PersonalRunningFail.Screen.[Gray].pngPersonal build configuration is running with failed build steps.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.PersonalSuccess.Screen.[Gray].pngPersonal build configuration has completed successfully.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.PersonalFail.Screen.[Gray].pngPersonal build configuration has failed.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.PersonalImpending.Screen.[Gray].pngThe personal build configuration is in the build queue on your TeamCity server.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.PersonalCancelled.Screen.[Gray].pngThe personal build configuration has been cancelled on your TeamCity server.

Toolbar controls in the Results Pane

/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.ExpandAll.Screen.[Gray].png /help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.CollapseAll.Screen.[Gray].png Expand All/ Collapse All Expands/collapses all nodes in the current tab.
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.FilterHideSuccessfull.Screen.[Gray].png Hide Successful Allows displaying only failed builds and hiding successful builds
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.OpenInBrowser.Screen.[Gray].png Open in Web Allows displaying details on the selected build in the web UI of your TeamCity server
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.ViewLog.Screen.[Gray].png Open Build Log Allows displaying build log for the selected build. The log is fetched from your TeamCity server
/help/img/dotnet/2016.3/ThemedIcon.UnitSession.Screen.[Gray].png Open Failed Tests This button is only available if JetBrains ReSharper is installed in the current Visual Studio version. It is enabled when you select a failed build, opens the Failed Tests window where you can view and analyze all tests that failed in this build.
Last modified: 3 April 2017