Discussion comments
You can post comments, addressing them to other participants, and reply to the comments left by others.
A discussion can consist of one or more comments (replies).
To address your comment to a specific person or a group, just type @ in the text field followed by the person or group name (you can choose it from the pop-up list). Addressed (mentioned) users - either individually or as a group - are notified in their emails and assigned as watchers (if the discussion is part of a review).
There are three types of comments:
Review comment is not tied up to any particular file or part of code — its subject matter may be anything within the scope of the review.
Code selection comment is intended to pinpoint a particular code fragment in one of the files being reviewed.
Line comment is associated with a specific line of code.
Comments that are relevant to you also appear in the news feed.
Posting comments
To post a review comment
To post a line comment
On the Review page, select the desired file to display the inline diff:
Select the line you want to comment on by clicking the edit icon to the left:
Enter your message in the text box and click Add comment:
To post a code selection comment:
Posted code selection comments and line comments are embedded in code and highlighted with yellow.
When a discussion thread comes to a logical end, either you or the reviewer can mark it as resolved.
Discussion options
Place your cursor over the comment to make the options visible:
Click the timestamp to open the Discussions page where you can view, filter and search all discussions in the project.
Click to edit you comment.
Click to follow a permanent link to the discussion.
Indicates that the comment is synced with GitHub (in GitHub projects).
Click to choose and add a reaction to the comment.
Click to mark the discussion as Resolved when a discussion thread comes to a logical end.
Click to reply to the comment.
Click to add a label to the discussion. See Discussion Labels for details.
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