WebStorm 2017.2 Help

Tuning WebStorm

In this part:

Changing WebStorm properties

You can make WebStorm work faster by editing the default Java Virtual Machine (JVM) settings. These operations require certain understanding of the JVM functionality and may cause unexpected problems. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you address the JetBrains Support whereupon you will be provided with detailed instructions regarding which settings you need to update and what values should be assigned to them.
See also Reporting Issues and Sharing Your Feedback.

WebStorm makes it possible to change the *.vmoptions and the idea.properties files without editing them in the WebStorm installation folder.

Managing the *.vmoptions file

To change the JVM options, choose Help | Edit Custom VM Options on the main menu. WebStorm creates a file .vmoptions and opens it in the editor. Update the file as required. For example, to increase WebStorm heap size, modify the -Xmx setting.

The name of the generated .vmoptions file depends on your operating system:

  • webstorm.exe.vmoptions or webstorm64.exe.vmoptions for Windows.
  • webstorm.vmoptions or webstorm64.vmoptions for Linux.
  • webstorm.vmoptions for macOS.

Managing the idea.properties file

To open the idea.properties file in the editor, choose Help | Edit Custom Properties. If the file does not exist yet, WebStorm creates it and opens in the editor.

Example: Changing the case of unicode literals

WebStorm allows defining whether non-ascii characters should use literals like '\u00AB' or '\00ab'.

This behavior is controlled by the idea.native2ascii.lowercase system property. By default, upper-case characters are used.

To use lower-case characters, open the idea.properties file in the editor and add the following line:


Specifying custom JDK, properties, or vmoptions files across platforms

A custom JDK, as well as *.properties and *.vmoptions files are specified across platforms in a unified way.

All launchers look at the following environment variables:

Last modified: 29 November 2017

See Also