WebStorm 2018.1 Help

Edit Template Variables Dialog

File | Settings | Live Templates - Edit Variables for Windows and Linux
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The dialog opens when you click the Edit Variables button in the Template Text area on the Live Templates page.

Use this dialog box to create and edit expressions for variables in the selected live template.

On this page:


NameIn this text box, view or edit the variable name in the format $<variable_name>$.
ExpressionIn this text box, specify the expression to have the value of the corresponding template input field calculated automatically.

This expression may contain constructs of the following basic types:

  • String constants in double quotes.
  • The name of another variable defined in a live template.
  • Predefined functions with possible arguments.

Type an expression manually or select a predefined function from the drop-down list. The list shows also the number and type of parameters, if any, for the selected function. The available functions are listed alphabetically in the Functions table.

Default valueIn this text box, specify the default string to be entered in the corresponding input field of the expanded template, if the expression does not give any result after calculation.

Note that a default value of a variable is an expression that can refer to other live template variables. To define the default value as a literal, enclose it in quotation marks.

Skip if definedSelect this checkbox to have WebStorm proceed with the next input field, if the value of the current input field is defined.
Move Up / Move DownUse these buttons to change the order of variables in the list. The order of variables in the table determines the order in which WebStorm will switch between the corresponding input fields when the template is expanded.

Predefined Functions to Use in Live Template Variables

blockCommentEnd Returns the characters that indicate the end of a block comment in the current language context.
blockCommentStart Returns the characters that indicate the start of a block comment in the current language context.
camelCase(String) Converts a string into camelCase. For example, camelCase(my-text-file), camelCase(my text file), and camelCase(my_text_file) all return myTextFile.
capitalize(String)Capitalizes the first letter of the parameter.
capitalizeAndUnderscore(sCamelCaseName) Capitalizes all the letters of a CamelCase name passed as the parameter, and inserts an underscore between the parts. For example, capitalizeAndUnderscore(FooBar) returns FOO_BAR.
classNameComplete()This expression substitutes for the class name completion at the variable position.
clipboard()Returns the contents of the system clipboard.
commentEnd() Returns the characters that indicate the end of a comment in the current language context. The return value is empty if line comments are defined in the current language.
commentStart() Returns the characters that indicate the start of a comment in the current language context. If line comments are defined in the current language, their start indicator is preferable.
complete()Invokes code completion at the position of the variable.
completeSmart()Invokes smart type completion at the position of the variable.
Returns component type of an array. For an example, see live templates in the iterations group and in the other group.

Returns the current system date in the specified format.

Without a parameter, the current date is returned in the default system format.

decapitalize(sName)Replaces the first letter of the parameter with the corresponding lowercase letter.
enum(sCompletionString1,sCompletionString2,...)Returns a list of comma-separated strings suggested for completion when the template is expanded.
escapeString(sEscapeString)Escapes the string specified as the parameter.
expectedType()Returns the expected type of the expression into which the template expands. Makes sense if the template expands in the right part of an assignment, after return, etc.
fileName()Returns the name of the current file with its extension.
fileNameWithoutExtension()Returns the name of the current file without its extension.
firstWord(sFirstWord)Returns the first word of the string passed as the parameter.
groovyScript("groovy code", arg1)

Returns a Groovy script with the specified code.

You can use the groovyScript() function with multiple arguments. The first argument is the text of the script that is executed or the path to the file that contains the script. The next arguments are bound to the _1, _2, _3, ..._n variables that are available inside your script. Also, the _editor variable is available inside the script. This variable is bound to the current editor.

JsArrayVariable() Returns the name of the current JavaScript array.
jsClassName()Returns the name of the current JavaScript class.
jsComponentType() Returns the type of the current JavaScript component.
jsMethodName()Returns the name of the current JavaScript method.
jsQualifiedClassName() Returns the complete name of the current JavaScript class.
jsSuggestIndexName() Returns a suggested name for an index.
jsSuggestVariableName() Returns the suggested name for a variable.
lineCommentStart Returns the characters that indicate the start of a line comment in the current language context.
lineNumber()Returns the current line number.
lowercaseAndDash(String) Converts a camelCase string into lower case and inserts n-dashes as separators. For example, lowercaseAndDash(MyExampleName) returns my-example-name.
snakeCase(String) Converts a string into snake_case. For example, snakeCase(fooBar) returns foo_bar.
spaceSeparated(String) Converts a string into lowercase and inserts spaces as separators. For example, spaceSeparated(fooBar) returns foo bar.
substringBefore(String,Delimiter) Removes the extension after the specified delimiter and returns only the file name. This is helpful for test file names (for example, substringBefore($FileName$,",") returns component-test in component-test.js).
time(sSystemTime)Returns the current system time in the specified format.
underscoresToCamelCase(String) Replaces underscores with camelCase letters in the string passed as the parameter. For example, underscoresToCamelCase(foo_bar) returns fooBar.
underscoresToSpaces(sParameterWithSpaces) Replaces underscores with spaces in the string passed as the parameter. For example, underscoresToSpaces(foo_bar) returns foo bar.
user()Returns the name of the current user.
Last modified: 20 July 2018