WebStorm 2019.1 Help


File | Settings | Editor | Inspections for Windows and Linux
WebStorm | Preferences | Editor | Inspections for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

Use this page to customize inspection profiles, configure inspection severity levels, disable and enable inspections and configure inspections for different scopes. The page is divided into the following areas:

Managing the profile




Select the name of the profile you want to configure.

Note that the selected profile is automatically used for project highlighting after clicking Apply.

Show Scheme Actions

Click this button to:

  • Copy to IDE/Copy to Project: create a copy of the selected profile on the project or global (IDE) level.

  • Duplicate: create a copy of the current profile.

  • Rename: rename the profile.

  • Delete: remove a profile. You can only delete custom profiles.

  • Add description: write some description for the current profile. After you type the text, press Enter it, or Escape to discard.

  • Export: save the current profile to your computer as an XML file.

  • Import Profile: import a previously exported profile.


Inspections toolbar

Item and Shortcut


Search History

Search through the list of inspections. Your search requests will be stored.

Filter Inspections

Show the list of available inspections filters. To reset the applied filter, use the Reset Filters option.

Expand All (Ctrl+NumPad Plus)

Collapse All (Ctrl+NumPad -)

Expand/collapse all inspections.

Reset to Empty

Disable all inspections.

Inspection severity and scopes




The description of the selected inspection.

Inspection severity

Select the severity level for the current inspection.


Select the scope of files to which you want to apply the current inspection.

Click Edit Scopes Order to switch to another dialog, where you can create a new scope or change the order of the existing scopes.


This area is only available for some types of inspections, provided that an inspection of this type is enabled (the checkbox next to it is selected). Use the controls in this area to re-configure the default inspection settings.

Last modified: 16 May 2019

See Also