WebStorm 2024.2 Help


WebStorm brings powerful support for XML that includes structure validation, formatting (Ctrl+Alt+L) and indentation (Ctrl+Alt+I according to the XML code style, importing unbound namespaces, viewing code structure, unwrapping and removing tags (Ctrl+Shift+Delete), generating DTD files and schemas from instance documents, as well as syntax and error highlighting, code completion (Ctrl+Space), intention actions (Alt+Enter), quick documentation look-up (Ctrl+Q), and more.

WebStorm uses Xerces 2.11, an XML parser developed by Apache Software Foundation Group.

Import XML namespaces

If you use a tag or an attribute from a namespace that is not bound, WebStorm detects the problem and shows a tooltip:

Tooltip: Reference to an unbound namespace

To solve the problem, use the quick-fix that WebStorm suggests.

  • Press Alt+Enter. If there are multiple choices, select the desired namespace from the list.

    Import unbound namespace: Alt+Enter
  • Alternatively, hover over the problem and click Create namespace declaration in the popup that opens. If there are multiple choices, select the desired namespace from the list.

    Import unbound namespace: popup

Configure syntax highlighting

You can configure XML-aware syntax highlighting according to your preferences and habits.

  1. In the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S) , go to Editor | Color Scheme | XML.

  2. Select the color scheme, accept the highlighting settings inherited from the defaults or customize them as described in Colors and fonts.

Last modified: 30 July 2024