Writerside Help


Use tables to structure information into rows and columns for easy comparison. For example, to compare features in different editions of a product or to document the responsibilities of different roles.

To insert a table, use the <table> element, add rows using <tr>, and cells using <td>.

By default, Writerside renders tables with the first row as the header. Use the style attribute to change the table header.

style="header-row" is the default value, which renders the table with a header row at the top:

Column Name

Column Name

Column Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit

Mauris feugiat euismod sapien at iaculis

Set style="header-column" to render the table with the first column as the header:

Row Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit

Row Name

Mauris feugiat euismod sapien at iaculis

Sed vel turpis quam

Set style="both" to render both a header row and a header column:

Column Name

Column Name

Row Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit

Row Name

Mauris feugiat euismod sapien at iaculis

Sed vel turpis quam

Set style="none" to render the table without headers:

Consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Mauris feugiat euismod sapien at iaculis

Sed vel turpis quam

Markdown tables

For simple tables in a Markdown file, use hyphens --- to separate the header row, and pipes | to separate each column.

| Foo | Bar | Baz | |--------|--------|----------| | One | Two | Three | | Higher | Faster | Stronger |

Alternatively, press Alt+Insert to open the Insert menu, and then select Table to generate a Markdown table of any size.

Insert table in Markdown

Markdown tables have certain limitations. For example, they must always have a header row, you cannot break lines in cells, you cannot span a cell across multiple rows or columns. If you need a more complex table, use the <table> element.

Convert Markdown table to semantic markup

  • With the caret inside the table, press Alt+Enter and select Convert Markdown table to XML format.

    Convert Markdown table to XML
Last modified: 20 July 2024