Writerside Help


writerside.cfg is the main configuration file of a Writerside project. It is located in the root of the help module and defines the help instances and locations of various configuration and content files.

Here is a simple example config file that defines directories for topics and images as well as two help instances:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE ihp SYSTEM "https://resources.jetbrains.com/writerside/1.0/ihp.dtd"> <ihp xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://resources.jetbrains.com/writerside/1.0/writerside-cfg.xsd"> <topics dir="topics"/> <images dir="images"/> <instance src="ug.tree"/> <instance src="ag.tree"/> </ihp>

writerside.cfg can contain the following elements and attributes:


Specify the name of the directory for build configuration files, such as buildprofiles.xml and build-script.xml. By default, it is set to cfg/.

Parent elements




Specify the directory relative to the writerside.cfg file. For example: <build-config dir="custom-cfg-dir"/>.


Specify in which capitalization style to display titles.

<caps style="title" for="toc-element"/>

In this case, titles in the table of contents will be rendered in title case.

Parent elements




Specify the elements for which you want to apply the capitalization style, such as toc-element, topic, or chapter.


Choose between sentence, title, and aswritten.


Specify the name of the file where you put the list of categories for grouping related links in the seealso section. By default, it is c.list.

<categories src="c.list"/>
Parent elements




Specify the name of the file.


Specify the default properties for the particular markup elements. This setting is applied to all topics unless you explicitly override it by defining it on the topic level.

<default-property element-name="img" property-name="border-effect" value="line"/>
Parent elements




Specify which elements the attribute will be applied to.


Specify the attribute name to which this default value will be applied.


Specify the default attribute value.


Specify whether web file names should be normalized. By default, Writerside replaces all special characters with hyphens and lowercases all other characters in the topic file name to produce a normalized web file name. For example, My___Awesome.topic becomes my-awesome.html.

If you want to keep the web file names similar to topic file names (only replace characters that are not allowed in URLs), set <disable-web-name-preprocessing>true</disable-web-name-preprocessing>.

Parent elements



This is the root element.

Child elements

<build-config> <categories> <images> <instance> <module> <settings> <snippets> <topics> <vars>



Set the global version for all help instances in this help module.


Specify the image directory settings.

Parent elements




Specify the name of the directory where media files (images, GIFs, and videos) are stored. By default, it is images/.


Specify the image set version.


Specify the path where images should be located once the help instance is built.


Specify the settings for a help instance.

<instance src="pd.tree" web-path="/plugin-developers/" version="main"/>
Parent elements




Specify the mode for the keymap file:

  • none if there is no keymap file

  • generated if the keymap file is automatically generated

  • provided if the keymap file is configured manually


Specify the .tree file name of the help instance.


Specify the help instance version displayed in the website header.


Specify the path that will be the last part of the URL for a particular help instance after it is built.


Specify settings for the help module.

Parent elements




Specify the name of the help module.


Specify additional help module settings.

Parent elements


Child elements

<caps> <default-property> <disable-web-name-preprocessing> <smart-ignore-vars> <wrs-supernova>


Enable (default) or disable the "smart" variable interpolation mode.

In the "smart" mode, variables are interpolated as usual, but the implicit ignore-vars="true" is assumed in the following cases:

  • Web links: XML or Markdown links, including image links, that start with a network protocol prefix like https://.

  • Code blocks.

It is always possible to override the default behavior for a tag by specifying the ignore-vars attribute with the desired value (true to avoid interpolation, false to enable interpolation).

Parent elements



Specify the name of the directory where you put code snippets.

Parent elements




Specify a directory relative to the help module root.


Specify the name of the directory where topic files are located. By default, it is topics/.

Parent elements




Specify a directory relative to the help module root.


Specify the name of the file where you put variables and their values. By default, it is v.list.

<vars src="v.list"/>
Parent elements




Specify the file relative to the help module root.


Specify the version of the Docker help builder in the 'use-version' attribute. Your CI/CD scripts can use this value to determine which builder version should be used. For example:

<wrs-supernova use-version="2.1.1477-p3867"/>
Parent elements




Specify the version of the help builder.

Last modified: 20 July 2024