Due Date Calendar Widgets
A Due Date Calendar widget displays a calendar for issues by due date that matches a search query, saved search, project, or tag.
To add a Due Date Calendar widget to a dashboard:
Click Dashboards in the main navigation menu.
Select a dashboard for the widget.
Click the Add widget button on the dashboard.
From the drop-down list, select Due Date Calendar.
The configuration dialog for the new widget opens.
Enter an optional widget title.
Select the field used to schedule due dates. Here, you can use both custom fields of
anddate and time
types. If you use thedate and time
field, then the calendar shows the grid with the time marks for the days.Select a field to use to apply a color scheme to the issue labels shown in the calendar. By default, the Priority field is selected.
Configure the widget by performing a combination of the following actions:
Select a search context from the drop-down list.
Enter a search query in the input field.
Select a saved search on the Saved Search tab.
Select a project on the Projects tab.
Select a tag on the Tag tab.
Set a custom refresh rate for the widget, in minutes. The default refresh rate for the Calendar widget is 0 minutes. That is, the automatic refresh of the widget is disabled by default.
Click the Save button.
The Calendar widget is added to the Dashboard.
If you didn't specify a title, the title of the card is set to the selected search query, saved search, project, or tag.
Working with a Calendar Widget
Click the widget's title to display the Issues list with the results of the search query configured for the widget.
Click an empty cell of the calendar grid to open the Create new issue page with the pre-filled project and the selected due date value. This option works only if you selected a project for the context, not a saved search or a tag.
Drag and drop tasks around the calendar grid to change their due dates. This option is only available to users who have enough permissions to update the value of the selected due date field.
Click the More menu in the corner of the widget to expand a list of available actions.
Action | Description |
Share link | Opens a dialog with a link that can be copied and shared with teammates.
Clone widget | Creates a duplicate of the widget on your dashboard. |
Move to another dashboard... | Opens a dialog with a drop-down menu of available dashboards. Select a new dashboard for the widget and click Move. The widget is removed from the current dashboard and moves to the selected dashboard. |
Edit... | Modify the settings of the widget. |
Remove | Opens a dialog. Click Delete to permanently remove the widget. |
About | Opens a new YouTrack page in the web browser to the details section of the widget in Apps. |
Refreshing Widget Data
The widget content is refreshed according to the custom refresh rate, when set. Otherwise, the automatic refresh is disabled. You can also manually refresh the widget by clicking the refresh icon in the title bar.
Due Date Calendar Widget Use Case
Estimated Dates to Resolve Issues
You're a YouTrack user and want to see an overview when your issues from all your projects are estimated to be resolved. Use the Due Date Calendar widget to display a calendar on a dashboard showing your issue due dates.
Configure a widget with a project field that has due date values for your issues and select another field to apply a color scheme for those issues. In this example, the color scheme used is that of the Priority
field. Set the search context to Everything and enter Assignee: me
in the search criteria field.

The Due Date Calendar widget is displayed on your dashboard with an entry for each issue assigned to you. The color of the issue blocks in the calendar correspond to the Priority
color scheme for the project.