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This page describes pagination options in the YouTrack REST API.

All resources that return collections of entities limit the number of returned entities by default. If you do not explicitly specify the number of entities to return with the $top query parameter, the server returns a part of the collection.

For most resources, the server returns a maximum of 42 elements by default. To get the entire collection, you need to use pagination.

There are two pagination options that the YouTrack REST API utilizes:

  • The vast majority of resources use pagination with $top and $skip query parameters. To learn more about these parameters, see General Pagination.

  • Resources that work with issue-related activities use cursors for pagination. To learn more about cursors, see Pagination for Activities.

General Pagination

When you try to read a large collection of elements, YouTrack returns only the first 42 elements by default. It's a safety measure to eliminate server overload. To get the complete list of elements, use the $skip and $top request parameters:

  • $skip=N lets you skip N found elements and returns elements starting from N+1.

  • $top=M instructs the server to return a set of top M elements found.

Combining these two parameters, you can iterate through the entire collection of elements that you need. For example, you can iterate through a list of available issues in, let's say, packs of 50 elements:,idReadable,summary,description&$skip=0&$top=50,idReadable,summary,description&$skip=50&$top=50,idReadable,summary,description&$skip=100&$top=50

Alternatively, you can iterate a large collection of versions in a bundle in packs of, let's say, 20 elements:$skip=0&$top=20&fields=archived,description,id,name,ordinal,releaseDate,released$skip=20&$top=20&fields=archived,description,id,name,ordinal,releaseDate,released$skip=40&$top=20&fields=archived,description,id,name,ordinal,releaseDate,released

Pagination for Activities

The Activities is a frequently changing collection, and new activities might be created between two consecutive requests. The general pagination method with $top and $skip parameters does not work in this case. Instead, we implemented the cursor parameter to paginate the activity stream.

The main application for cursors is the pagination of activities. Instead of using the $top and $skip parameters, use the following pagination approach:

  1. Request a page using one of the activitiesPage resources.

  2. Take one of the cursors from the returned activity page.

  3. Put this value as the cursor parameter for the request of the next page.

If the cursor is not specified in the request, the response page starts either from the oldest activity or the newest one, depending on the requested order (direct or reverse).

Use Case

Let's consider the following statements as initial conditions for the example:

  • There is a collection of four activity items: A, B, C, and D.

  • A request has been made that returned a page containing only 1 item: [B].

The following JSON presents the mentioned page:

{ "activities": [B] "cursorBefore": "A^B" // the value differs from the real one and is only used for the demonstration "cursorAfter": "B^C" // the value differs from the real one and is only used for the demonstration "hasBefore": true "hasAfter": true "reverse": false }

A request to the following endpoint could receive such a page:


The real value of the cursor is a complication string. Used notation "A^B" shows that the cursor points to the gap between items A and B.

To request nearby pages of activities, we can use the cursors of the received page and request the page starting from the cursor to different directions. The following combinations are possible:

  • Request /api/activitiesPage?${'$'}top=100&cursor=A^B&reverse=false returns a page with [B, C, D] items.

  • Request /api/activitiesPage?${'$'}top=100&cursor=A^B&reverse=true returns a page with [A] item.

  • Request /api/activitiesPage?${'$'}top=100&cursor=B^C&reverse=false returns a page with [C, D] items.

  • Request /api/activitiesPage?${'$'}top=100&cursor=B^C&reverse=true returns a page with [B, A] items.

Last modified: 19 June 2024