YouTrack Cloud 2024.1 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of the changes that are available in this version.

New Features



Restricted Helpdesk Projects

Project administrators have the option to restrict ticket creation to a predefined group of reporters. This means you can ask reporters in different projects for specific pieces of information without them knowing what data you collect from reporters in other projects.

Recovery Options for Deleted Content

We’ve added a page to the application where system administrators can review recently deleted issues, tickets, and articles. Here, they have the option to restore content that was deleted unintentionally or permanently remove items to free up storage capacity.

Other Enhancements

We've made it possible for helpdesk agents to update the summary and description in helpdesk tickets. This should be useful in situations where customers use the same summary for multiple tickets or editing this information can help solve the problem faster.

For users who work with Chromium-based web browsers, we now support the ability to drag files attached to issues, tickets, and articles to a target application in your local environment.

Discontinued Features



YouTrack Integration Plugin for Confluence Server

With Atlassian ending support for the self-managed Confluence Server product, we are dropping support for the plugin that supports integrations between Confluence Server and YouTrack.

We encourage users who were embedding issue lists and other content from YouTrack into Confluence pages to use YouTrack's built-in knowledge base instead. To learn more, see Knowledge Base.

Last modified: 04 May 2024