YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Agile Board Settings

The Board Settings panel is divided into four tabs. Each tab lets you manage a specific set of parameters for the board.

To open the Board Settings panel, click the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/icon-Cog.png button in the toolbar.


The General tab lets you manage the basic settings of the board. Most of these settings are defined when you create the board.

The Sprint options setting lets you manage how issues are added to sprints on your board. Even if you don't follow a scrum methodology, these options let you automate how issues are added to the board. For more information, see Sprint Options.

NameDisplays the name of the board. Also shows the full name of the user who created the board, the board owner.
ProjectsLists the projects that are managed on the board.
Can View and Use BoardShows who has permission to view and update issue on the board. Select a group to grant its members access to the board. Members of the selected group can view all fields and values that identify columns and swimlanes in the board settings, including private fields.
Can Change Board SettingsShows who has permission to view and update board settings.
Sprint optionsDefines how issues are added to sprints. For a detailed description of each option, see Sprint Options.
QueryFilters which cards are visible on the board. This setting is only available when the Link sprints to custom field option is enabled. For more information, see Link Sprints to Custom Field.

Columns and Rows

The Columns and Rows tab lets you to define which columns are displayed on your board and add swimlanes.

Board ColumnsDetermines which field is used to identify columns on the board. You can only select from fields that store a state or enum type with the Multi-value option disabled. That is, the field that identifies columns can only have one value set at a time. The selection is limited to the fields that are used in the projects that are associated with the board.
ColumnsLists which values are displayed as columns on the board. Use the Add column option to add a column from the set of values that is used in the field that identifies columns. Drag a column to change its position on the board.
WIP SettingsSets the minimum and maximum allowed WIP for a column. WIP stands for the "Work in progress" parameter — the number of cards that can be placed in the column. For example, if you use the State field for columns, then you can set that maximum 5 cards can simultaneously in the "In Progress" column/state. When the number of cards in the column is less than the "Min WIP" or is more than the "Max WIP" value, a warning is displayed in the column title. Also, the corresponding bar in the Progress indicator next to the sprint name is highlighted red.
Merge withMerges the selected column with another column on the board. For a detailed description, see the Merge Board Columns page.
Add columnThe drop-down list with the set of values for the field that defines columns.
SwimlanesDetermines which issues or attributes are used as swimlanes on the board>.
  • No swimlanes: Swimlanes are disabled on the board.
  • Value: Swimlanes are identified by the set of values in a selected Field. Select a field and add swimlanes from the list of values. For example, if you select the Type you can add swimlanes for Features, Tasks, Bugs, and so on.
  • Issue: Swimlanes are identified by issues that are assigned a specific value in the selected Field. For example, a swimlane represents an issue with the Type field set to Feature.
ValuesLists which values are displayed as swimlanes. Use the Add value option to select which values are used to identify swimlanes.
Show swimlane for uncategorized cardsDisplays an additional swimlane for uncategorized cards. This option is only available when swimlanes are enabled. You can choose to display this swimlane at the top or bottom of the board.


The Cards tab lets you display estimations on the board, set the default issue type for new cards, and manage the visual presentation.

Estimation FieldDetermines which field is used to display estimations on the board. You can only select from fields that store a period, integer, or float type.
Default Value for TypeSets the default value for the Type field when you add a card to the board. This option is only displayed when swimlanes are enabled and identified by Issue.
Color SchemeDifferentiates cards on the board by project or based on the value of a selected custom field. The default setting applies the colors scheme used by the Priority field.
  • If you select Project, you can choose which color is applied to cards in each project.
  • If you select a custom field, the color that is associated with each value in the set is applied to cards automatically.
Show colors for other custom fields.Toggles the presentation of color-coded visual indicators for custom fields.


The Chart tab defines parameters of the chart to use for the board.

TypeDetermines which type of chart is accessible on the board. For more information about each type, see Burndown Chart and Cumulative Flow.
Issue FilterDetermines which issues are included in the calculation of the chart:
  • All cards: All cards that are assigned to the current sprint of the board are taken into account. Swimlanes are not included in the calculation.
  • Custom: All cards and swimlanes that match the Query are taken into account.
Burndown calculated byDefines which values are used to calculate the burndown. This setting is only available for the burndown chart. Different options are shown based on the The value depends on the settings of the time tracking in the board projects:
  • Issue count: The burndown is calculated by the number of cards on the board.
  • Estimation: The burndown is calculated based on the values in the custom field that is shown for estimations on the board. When a card is moved to a resolved state, the burndown is reduced by value that is set in the Estimation field.
  • Work items: The burndown is calculated by the amount of spent time that is added to an issue as a work item. Available only if:
    • The Estimation Field setting on the Card tab is set to a field that stores a period type.
    • The Time Tracking feature is enabled and configured for at least one of the projects on the board.
Last modified: 18 April 2017