YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Configure Schedule for Fetching Emails

You can specify a schedule for fetching emails from the specified mailboxes using a cron expression. Please note that schedule is not created for each specified mailbox individually. The same schedule will be applied for all mailboxes.

To specify an interval for fetching email:

  1. In the Integrations section of the Administration menu, select Mailbox Integration.
  2. From the Fetching interval drop-down menu, select a pre-configured time interval. To specify another time interval, select Custom and enter a cron expression. For example, to pull fresh data every 45 minutes, every day, use the following expression: 0 0/45 * * * ?

    For details about cron expressions format, please refer to the cron trigger tutorial.

The last step is to configure a rule for processing emails. To continue, click Configure Rules for Processed Emails.

Last modified: 18 April 2017