YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Custom Localization Repository

YouTrack lets you localize the user interface even if your desired language is not available "out-of-the-box".
The Localization Tutorial explains how you can do it.

We created a YouTrack Custom Localization Repository in GitHub to collect custom translations of the YouTrack user interface and share them with the community. If you have created a custom localization for your YouTrack installation, you are welcome to contribute to the repository. Upload your files and submit a pull request!

To use a custom localization in YouTrack

  1. Download desired localization files.
  2. Add the new localeEntry to your supportedLocales.xml file in the following format:
    <localeEntry> <name><Your language name></name> <locale><locale_ID></locale> </localeEntry>
    You can use supportedLocales.xml file provided along with translations in the repository.
  3. Stop your YouTrack server.
  4. Check that your custom translated files are put in the correct directory with the <locale_ID> name.
  5. Start YouTrack with the Java machine parameter jetbrains.mps.webr.i18n.custom-translations, which points to the folder with custom localized files.
    For example, if you run YouTrack as JAR file from the command line, the command should look something like this: java -Djetbrains.mps.webr.i18n.custom-translations=/home/admin/youtrack-i18n -jar youtrack.jar 8080

If you run YouTrack as service on Windows or Unix-like OS, you must specify the jetbrains.mps.webr.i18n.custom-translations parameter in your Java machine properties.

Last modified: 18 April 2017