YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help


You can reference a user in the following contexts:

loggedInUserThis keyword references the user who is currently logged in to YouTrack.
AssigneeThis default custom field is assigned a user data type. This means that you can return properties and use methods for a user account when you reference this custom field. The same guidelines apply for any custom field that is assigned a user data type.
issue.project.leaderThis property of a project is also assigned a user data type.
ownerA property of a custom field that uses the ownedField type. This property is assigned the user data type.
project.getUserThis method returns a specific user account in the context of the current project.

You can also reference a specific user login as a literal value.

User Properties

The following properties of a user account can be accessed with a workflow.

login: stringThe username of a user account. For example, root.
fullName: stringThe full name of a user. For example, John Smith.
email: stringThe email address of a user account. For example,

User-related Methods

The following methods are available for use with users. See also User Properties.


SyntaxgetVisibleName(): string
DescriptionReturns the full name of the specified user. If the full name is not set, the username is returned.


SyntaxisBanned(): Boolean
DescriptionChecks whether the user account is banned.
if (Assignee.isBanned()) { Assignee = null; }


SyntaxhasRole(role: string): Boolean
DescriptionChecks whether the user has the specified role in any project.
if (loggedInUser.hasRole("Developer")) { Assignee = loggedInUser; }


SyntaxisInGroup(): string
DescriptionChecks whether the user is a member of the specified group.
when Assignee.changed && Assignee != null { if (permittedGroup != null && !Assignee.isInGroup( { message(l10n ( Please take into account that new assignee ' {Assignee.fullName} ' isn't included into the visibility group ' {} '!)); } }


SyntaxcreateNewIssue(projectShortName: String): issue
ParametersprojectShortNameThe ID of the project in which the issue is created.
DescriptionCreates a new issue in the specified project.
var todoIssue = loggedInUser.createNewIssue(project.shortName); todoIssue.summary = "iPhone :" + issue.summary; todoIssue.tags.add(iOSTag); tags.add(iOSTag);


SyntaxgetIssues(context: SavedSearch, query: String): sequence of issues
ParameterscontextThe name of the saved search to use as the context for the search query. The default context is Everything.
queryThe search query. Can be an empty string.
DescriptionReturns a list of issues based on the specified context and search query.
for each notMyIssue in loggedInUser.getIssues({savedSearch: Reported by me}, "for: -me") { notMyIssue.Assignee = loggedInUser; }
var issues = project.leader.getIssues(Everything, ""); var issues = project.leader.getIssues({savedSearch: Unassigned in A}, ""); var issues = project.leader.getIssues({savedSearch: Unassigned in A}, "Priority: Critical");


SyntaxwatchIssue(issue: issue)
ParametersissueThe issue to which the user is added as a watcher.
DescriptionAdds the current user to the issue as a watcher (add Star tag).
if (loggedInUser.isInGroup("developers") && loggedInUser.hasRole("Developer")) { loggedInUser.watchIssue(issue); } else { loggedInUser.unwatchIssue(issue); }


SyntaxunwatchIssue(issue: Issue)
ParametersissueThe issue to from which the user is removed as a watcher.
DescriptionRemoves the current user from the list of watchers for the issue (remove Star tag).
if (loggedInUser.isInGroup("developers") && loggedInUser.hasRole("Developer")) { loggedInUser.watchIssue(issue); } else { loggedInUser.unwatchIssue(issue); }


SyntaxgetTag(tagName: string, createIfNotExists: Boolean): tag
ParameterstagNameThe name of the tag.
createIfNotExistsIf true and the specified tag does not exist or is not visible to the user and the user has permission to create tags, a new tag with the specified name is created.
DescriptionReturns a tag that is visible to the user.
var createIfNotExist = loggedInUser.getSharedTag("iOS") == null; var iOSTag = loggedInUser.getTag("iOS", createIfNotExist);


SyntaxgetSharedTag(tagName: string): tag
ParameterstagNameThe name of the tag.
DescriptionReturns a tag with the specified name that is shared with but not owned by the user. If such a tag does not exist, a null value is returned.
var createIfNotExist = loggedInUser.getSharedTag("iOS") == null; var iOSTag = loggedInUser.getTag("iOS", createIfNotExist);


SyntaxcanVoteIssue(issue: issue): Boolean
DescriptionChecks whether the user is able to vote for the specified issue.
var user = project.getUser("user"); if (user.canVoteIssue(issue)) { user.voteIssue(issue); }


SyntaxvoteIssue(issue: issue)
ParametersissueThe issue to which the vote is added.
DescriptionAdds a vote on behalf of the user to the issue, if allowed.
>var user = project.getUser("user"); if (user.canVoteIssue(issue)) { user.voteIssue(issue); }


SyntaxcanUnvoteIssue(issue: issue): Boolean
DescriptionChecks whether the user is able to remove their vote from the specified issue.


SyntaxunvoteIssue(issue: issue)
ParametersissueThe issue from which the vote is removed.
DescriptionRemoves a vote on behalf of the user from the issue, if allowed


Syntaxnotify(subject: string, body: string, ignoreNotifyOnOwnChangesSetting: Boolean)
ParameterssubjectThe subject line of the email notification.
bodyThe message text of the email notification.
ignoreNotifyOnOwnChangesSettingIf false, the message is not sent when changes are performed on behalf of the current user. The corresponding flag is unchecked. Otherwise, the message is sent anyway.
DescriptionSends an email notification to the email address that is set in the user profile.
var projectLeader = project.leader; projectLeader.notify("Attention","Please pay attention to " + getId()); projectLeader.sendJabber("Please look at " + getId());


SyntaxsendMail(subject: string, body: string)
ParameterssubjectThe subject line text of the email notification.
bodyThe message text of the email notification.
DescriptionAn alias for notify(subject, body, true)
sendMail(Reporter email, "[YouTrack, Commented]", "New comment was added: " + comments.added.first.text));


SyntaxsendJabber(text: string)
ParameterstextThe message text for the Jabber notification.
DescriptionSends a notification message over Jabber. Similar to notify method, the message won't be sent on own changes and corresponding flag unchecked.
project.leader.sendJabber("Please pay attention to " + getId());
Last modified: 18 April 2017