YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Set Fix Versions

This workflow forces developers to set the fix version when they resolve an issue.

File Namejetbrains-youtrack-setFixVersions
RulesAssert Fix version is set for Fixed issues (stateless)

Use Case

This workflow was originally taken from a submitted request (JT-2468).

The user who submitted this issue wanted to force developers to set the fix version when they resolved an issue.


When an issue is updated, this rule checks whether the state is changed to Fixed. If true, the rule requires that a value is set in the Fixed versions field.

  • If a value is set in the Fixed versions field, the issue is resolved as Fixed.
  • If the Fixed versions field is empty, a warning is displayed. The issue is not resolved. The required field is highlighted.

Assert Fix version is set for Fixed issues

rule Assert Fix version is set for Fixed issues when State.becomes({Fixed}) { Fix versions.required(l10n ( Please set the 'Fix versions' field! )); }
Last modified: 18 April 2017