YouTrack Standalone 2017.2 Help

Import from a CSV File

The Python Client Library supports importing issues to YouTrack from a CSV file. Virtually, this option lets you import data from any issue tracker that can export issues as a CSV file.

To import issues from an existing CSV file:

  1. Download the latest version of YouTrack's Python Client Library and unzip it.

  2. Install Python.

  3. Create a mapping file to set the correspondence between source fields in a CSV file and YouTrack issue's attributes. This mapping file should be created in the <unzipped library directory>\python\csvClient directory. For more details about structure of the library, refer to the Python Client Library.

  4. When a mapping file is created, specify the mapping file in the file:

    from csvClient.client import Client from youtrack.connection import Connection import sys #import csvClient.myYoutrackMapping import csvClient.<new_mapping_file_name> import csvClient import youtrack import time import datetime import calendar

  5. Import issues from a file to YouTrack running the following command:
    python csv_file youtrack_url youtrack_login youtrack_password
    Enter values for the following command-line parameters:




    Path to the source CSV file.


    The URL of the target YouTrack server.


    YouTrack administrator user name.


    YouTrack administrator password to log in.

Import Comments

The current format for importing comments is as follows:

<field1>, <field_2> <field1 value>, <field2 value>, <this column doesn't have name, so this will be the first comment>, <this will be the second comment>, <and this will be the third>

That is, any string between commas (i.e. a column) that comes without a field name will be rendered as a comment.
If you want to use any other format, you should modify the script.

Sample CSV File

"Issue Id","Project","Type","Priority","State","Subsystem","Module","Reporter","Assignee","Reviewer","Created","Updated","Summary","Description","CustomFieldString","CustomFieldDate" SA-1,SomeApp,Task,Critical,In Progress,UI,Admin Console,Marco Fu,John Higgins,Neil Robertson,2011-03-01 16:55:00,2011-03-02 17:54:00,"Issue 1","Description for issue 1","Start",2011-03-02 18:00:00 SA-2,SomeApp,Bug,Major,Open,Core,,John Higgins,Marco Fu,Neil Robertson,2011-04-01 17:55:00,2011-04-02 18:54:00,"Issue 2","Description for issue 2",,2011-04-02 19:00:00,"Comment 2.1","Comment 2.2" SA-3,SomeApp,Bug,Normal,Fixed,Core,Main,Neil Robertson,Mark Allen,Neil Robertson,2011-04-02 17:55:00,2011-04-03 18:54:00,"Issue 3","Description for issue 3","PX-1",2011-04-03 19:00:00,"Comment 3.1","Comment 3.2" SA-4,SomeApp,Task,Normal,Fixed,UI,User Profile,Neil Robertson,Mark Allen,Mark Williams,2011-04-02 13:55:00,2011-04-03 14:54:00,"Issue 4","Description for issue 4","PX-2"

Sample Mapping File

import csvClient csvClient.FIELD_NAMES = { "Project" : "project_name", "Summary" : "summary", "Reporter" : "reporterName", "Created" : "created", "Updated" : "updated", "Description" : "description", "Issue Id" : "numberInProject", "Subsystem" : "Subsystem", "Module" : "Module", "Assignee" : "Assignee", "Reviewer" : "Reviewed by", "CustomFieldString" : "Iteration", # Map column "CustomFieldString" to "Iteration" filed. "CustomFieldDate" : "Planned Date" # We can skip mappings for default fields like Type, Priority, State. } csvClient.FIELD_TYPES = { "Subsystem" : "ownedField[1]", "Module" : "enum[1]", "Assignee" : "user[1]", "Reviewed by" : "user[1]", "Planned Date" : "date", "Iteration" : "string", # Define type for field "Iteration". } csvClient.CSV_DELIMITER = "," csvClient.GENERATE_ID_FOR_ISSUES = False csvClient.DATE_FORMAT_STRING = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

Last modified: 7 March 2019