YouTrack Standalone 2018.2 Help

Global Settings

This page describes the global settings for YouTrack. These settings are available in the Server Settings section of the Administration menu.


The first section of the Global Settings page provides detailed information about the current subscription plan and a link to access your JetBrains Account.

You have the option to Show warnings to admin on exceeded license restrictions. If enabled, a warning message is sent to the administrator when the limitations of the license are exceeded.

Update Info

YouTrack automatically checks for available updates each time you open the Administration > Global Settings page. When a new version of YouTrack is released, a link to download the new distribution appears in the Update Info section.


The System section provides options that let you let you configure the basic system settings of your YouTrack server.

adminSettingsTabSystem thumbnail



Base URL

The URL by which the YouTrack server is accessible to the end-users.  This URL is generally used for constructing links in notifications, reports, and RSS feeds. You can either enter the server URL yourself, or click the Guess URL link let YouTrack try to set the URL automatically.

Allow statistics collection

This setting enables the collection of usage data to share with JetBrains. Keep this option selected to help us make YouTrack better. We never share collected data with any third party.

Max Upload File Size

The maximum file size allowed for uploaded attachments, in bytes. By default, the maximum allowed file size is 10Mb (10485760 bytes).

Max Ordered Issues

YouTrack lets you reorder issues on the Issues list manually. Users can drag issues in the list and place them in order they see fit. This custom order is saved in a so-called "watch folder", which can be a saved search, tag, or project. You can update the custom order when you set this watch folder as the search context. The Max ordered issues parameter limits the number of issues in the list for which a custom order is set when a user accesses the watch folder. If you have manually ordered the issues in a saved search, you see up to this number of ordered issues at the top of the list. All other issues that match the saved search are then displayed from newest to oldest.

Max Issues to Export

The maximum number of issues to be exported as HTML or CSV, or to be exported for printing. By default, the limit is set to 500 issues. To change it, just enter a new value.


The Visual section provides options that let you manage system settings related to the visual presentation in YouTrack.



Application Logo

Sets a custom logo for YouTrack. The custom logo is displayed in the header for all pages in the system. To use a custom logo, click the Edit icon, then choose an image file from your local directory. You can upload a JPG, GIF, or PNG file. Your image is automatically resized to 250 x 80 pixels.

To replace a custom logo with the YouTrack application logo, click the Set to default button.

Default Time Zone

This set of controls determines the system-wide default time zone. The time zone set here is used for time presentation for all users. Users can change the default time zone in their user profiles.

Date Fields Format

Sets the system-wide default date format. This format is applied to all custom fields that use the date field type.

System Language

You can set the system language of your YouTrack server to one of the localizations that are provided out-of-the-box. YouTrack provides localization support for English, German, French, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

Users can select their personal language preference in their user profile. For consistency across the application, the language that is set at the global level is used for search queries, commands, and custom fields. The page headers, menus, and controls are displayed in the preferred locale. For more information, see YouTrack General Profile Settings.

You can also upload and enable your own custom localization for the YouTrack user interface.

Enable the RTL support option to align the text input fields and all drop-down lists right-to-left. For more information, see Right-to-Left Language Support.

Keyboard Shortcuts

This section provides options that let you set up the keyboard shortcuts scheme. You can use the default shortcut scheme or add and use your own customized scheme. For more information, see Customize Keyboard Shortcuts.


In YouTrack, the REST API is always enabled.

In addition to the general REST API, we provide support for cross-origin resource sharing, or CORS. CORS support lets you enable JavaScript access to your YouTrack instance. For more information, read about cross-origin resource sharing on Wikipedia. You can also download samples of CORS usage here:

To enable access from a site (origin), select and configure either of the following parameters in the REST API section of the page:



Allow all origins

Enable to allow access from all origins with the REST API.

Allowed origins

Enter a list of origins for which cross-origin requests are allowed.


This setting lets you enable logging for specific event categories. The setting supports DEBUG and TRACE logging levels. Use this setting to troubleshoot problems with your YouTrack Standalone installation without having to restart the service.

The event categories that provide the most valuable information vary from one installation to another. The YouTrack support team provides the categories that are most appropriate for your installation in response to a specific support request.



Event categories

Enter a line-separated list event categories.

  • To enable DEBUG level logging, add an event category name.

  • To enable TRACE level logging, append the event category name with :trace.


This section provides options that let you configure how users are notified of changes to issues in YouTrack.

Email-related Settings

These settings let you configure the connection between YouTrack and a mail server. This enables notifications in YouTrack over email. For detailed instructions, see Enable Email Notifications.




This control enables or disables email notifications in YouTrack.


The server address of your mail server.


The connection port for the mail server.

Mail Protocol

The protocol that is used by your mail server.

SMTP Login

The username of the account that is used to access the mail server.

SMTP Password

The password for the account that is used to access the mail server.

Select SSL Key

This drop-down list lets you select a previously uploaded SSL key or trusted certificate for secure connection to your mail server.

Server 'From' Email

The email address that is used as the 'From' address for email notifications. You can either use the format sender name <> or enter an email address without the sender name. For more information, see Email 'From' Addresses.

Send test message

This control lets you test the connection to your mail server by sending a test message to a specific email address.

Jabber-related Settings

These settings let you configure the connection between YouTrack and a Jabber service. This enables notifications in YouTrack over XMPP. For detailed instructions, see Enable Notifications over Jabber.

Here, you also find the option that lets users interact with YouTrack through direct messages in a Jabber client — the Jabber Bot. For more information, see Search for Issues over Jabber and Apply Commands over Jabber.

To disable sending notifications over Jabber, deselect the Enable check box.




This control enables or disables Jabber notifications in YouTrack.

Jabber Server

The server address of your Jabber service.

Jabber Server Port

The connection port for the Jabber service.

Jabber Service Name

The name of your Jabber service. Use when the service name and address (hostname) are not the same. This setting is commonly required for ejabbered servers.

Jabber Username

The username of the account that is used to access the Jabber service. Use the format username@domain.

Jabber Password

The password for the account that is used to access the Jabber service.

Select SSL Key

This drop-down list lets you select a previously uploaded SSL key or trusted certificate for secure connection to your Jabber service.

Use legacy SSL

This option disables the certificate validity check for the SSL connection. Recommended only when you are using to send notifications and encounter a problem with the connection to the Jabber service.

If you run a YouTrack JAR installation, upgrading the version of your JRE/JDK on the server to at least Java 1.8.0_101 should resolve this problem without having to disable the validity check.

Send test jabber message

This control lets you test the connection to your Jabber service by sending a test message to a specific Jabber account.

Enable Jabber Bot

This option allows users to interact with YouTrack through direct messages in a Jabber client.

REST API Notification Settings

Third-party developers can build applications that pull notifications from YouTrack and display them in an external application. This functionality is supported by the YouTrack REST API.

When you enable the REST API setting in the Notifications section of the page, the REST API is exposed to external applications. Notifications that are sent by email or Jabber can also be displayed in applications that support this functionality.

Experimental Features

This link provides access to the Feature Configuration page. Here, you find a list of experimental features that you can enable system-wide and other features that you can enable for specific groups.

For more information, see Experimental Features.

Last modified: 7 March 2019