YouTrack Standalone 2020.1 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of the changes that are available in this version.

New Features




Emoji Reactions

Register your emotional responses to issue comments with emoji-based reactions. Instead of showing your support with a long-winded reply, just post a simple Thumbs-up emoji..


Group-based Field Visibility

New settings for custom fields limit the ability to view or update field values to members of a specific group or team. These settings let project administrators apply fine-grained restrictions to particular fields without having to rely on privacy settings or writing complex workflows.


Updates and Enhancements




VCS Integration Updates

Changes to settings for VCS integrations let you connect your repository to multiple projects in YouTrack.


Build Server Integration Updates

You can now map your build server integration to multiple YouTrack projects. We also updated the settings to let you choose which issues are assigned build numbers with greater precision.


Issue View and Edit Modes in the Issues List

New actions let you open single issues in view and edit mode without leaving the Issues list. Both views are accessible with keyboard shortcuts.


Dedicated Permission for Applying Commands without Notification

You now can grant a dedicated permission to apply commands to issues silently, without sending notifications to anyone who watch these issues. Please note that after the upgrade those users who previously had Project Admin or System Admin role, or Update Project permission, will be granted the new permission automatically.


OpenAPI Specification (OAS)

We now generate and publish an OpenAPI Specification (OAS) contract for the Hub REST API. When you load this artifact into the Swagger UI or SwaggerHub, you can view and test every resource before using it in your application.


Flexible Placement for Linked Issues

A new workspace option in your YouTrack profile lets you determine where the panel that shows linked issues is shown in views for single issues.

The default location is just below the issue summary and description. If links are critical to your daily work, you can place the panel just below the issue summary and never worry about long descriptions pushing it out of view.


Sorting Options for Work Item Types

A new option in the global settings for time tracking lets you sort the list of work item types manually or alphabetically.


Experimental Features




In-context Localization

Lets you suggest translations for text elements directly in the application interface. This feature is only available for languages that are supported by the Hub user community.


Discontinued Features




Old YouTrack REST API

We have provided documentation for all of the public endpoints in our new YouTrack REST API. The old REST API is officially deprecated. We will discontinue support for the old REST API later this year.

If you have an existing application or integration that uses the old API, we encourage you to migrate your applications to the new API. The new OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is a great tool to help you get started. If you have any questions or require additional support, join our YouTrack Community in Slack.


Last modified: 26 May 2020