YouTrack Standalone 2020.2 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of the changes that are available in this version.

New Features




Knowledge Base

Collect and share a wealth of experience with the Knowledge Base feature in YouTrack. The knowledge base is a central repository that you can use to learn, discuss, and extract information.

Use the built-in WYSIWYG editor or format content in plain text with Markdown. YouTrack lets you manage drafts, compare versions, and restrict article visibility to specific users, groups, and teams.


New Options for Converting Field Type

We've expanded the possible options for converting fields from one type to another. These conversions were previously available only through complicated manual migrations.


Updates and Enhancements




Workspace Settings

We've moved all of the workspace options in your YouTrack profile to a dedicated tab. These settings let you fine-tune the appearance and behavior of the application to suit your style.


Project-based Visibility Settings

New settings let project administrators predefine the default visibility for new issues. They can also recommend which groups and teams can be used to restrict the visibility for issues and comments in each of their projects.


Granular Sharing Options

Updates to visibility settings let you grant access with greater precision. These changes apply to tags, saved searches, agile boards, and reports.


Improved Presentation of Custom Fields in the Issues List

We've restyled the presentation of custom fields that use a color scheme on the Issues. This enhancement makes it easier to identify patterns when you scan the list.


Streamlined Board Creation

You now have the ability to create an agile board without a backlog. Whether you choose to add the backlog later or not, your new board works perfectly either way.


Clone as Draft Action for Issues

As an alternative to the existing clone action, we've added an action that lets you clone an existing issue as a draft. This lets you make minor adjustments to the cloned issue before you create it, so you don't have to worry about generating unwanted notifications.


Discontinued Features




Old YouTrack REST API

We have provided documentation for all of the public endpoints in our new YouTrack REST API. The old REST API is officially deprecated. We will discontinue support for the old REST API later this year.

If you have an existing application or integration that uses the old API, we encourage you to migrate your applications to the new API. The new OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is a great tool to help you get started. If you have any questions or require additional support, join our YouTrack Community in Slack.


Last modified: 1 July 2020