YouTrack Standalone 2020.4 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of the changes that are available in this version.

New Features



Demo Projects

We've added support for a preconfigured demo project. The project contains sample issues that help you become more familiar with key features in YouTrack. The demo project also includes a collection of agile boards, reports, and a dashboard.

Use demo projects to onboard new users or as a springboard for your tracking your own issues.


Add an additional layer of structure to your project management efforts by grouping related projects under an umbrella organization. You can also use an organization to define levels of access to projects for users and groups.

Updates and Enhancements



Exact Match Search

Find issues that contain any substring, including specific word forms or a sequence of characters. This means you can find exactly what you're looking for without sifting through results that include irrelevant variations of the terms you use in your search query.

Onboarding Tips for New Users

We've added a collection of tips to frequently-used pages in the application. These little hints were specifically added to help newly-registered users find their way around, but they can introduce undiscovered features to experienced users as well.

Non-unique Names for Custom Fields

YouTrack no longer requires that each field uses a unique name. You can now create multiple fields that use the same name, but vary by field type.

This gives you the freedom to choose whether a project stores single or multiple values in a given field without having different names for each variant.

Custom Date Parameters in Search Queries

Our search query language now lets you define custom date parameters for any time frame. This lets you find issues with events that took place at any point in the past or are scheduled to happen any time in the future.

Tags and Multi-value Fields as Swimlanes

You now have the ability to set up an agile board that uses tags as swimlanes. We've also made it possible to identify swimlanes based on the values in a field that stores multiple values.

LDAP Account Status Forwarding

This option lets you forward the account status from an external directory service when a user logs in to YouTrack with this account. If the account is locked, disabled, or has expired, access to YouTrack is denied. The corresponding Hub account is also banned automatically.

Revised Sharing Settings for Tags

We've added granular settings for viewing and using tags. This lets you manage who can view, use, and edit tags with greater precision.

Estimation Tracking for Burndowns

A new setting in burndown charts and reports lets you measure deviations from your original estimations during a predefined interval or sprint.

Custom Status for Banned Accounts

We've added a handful of status options to the settings for banned accounts. This gives you greater control over the labels that are applied to banned users that remain in your YouTrack installation.

Sort by Attachment Size

A new sort attribute lets you find issues that contain the largest attachments. This can help you locate and remove files that are eating away at your allocated storage space and bogging down the application.

Experimental Features




We're currently working on an interface that lets you import issues and articles from external sources. When finished, this feature will replace our preconfigured import scripts that rely on Python.

Discontinued Features



TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 Connections

Secure connections to YouTrack Standalone installations must be configured to use TLS version 1.2 or later. Connections using older versions of the protocol are no longer supported.

Old YouTrack REST API

We have provided documentation for all of the public endpoints in our new YouTrack REST API. The old REST API is officially deprecated. We will discontinue support for the old REST API later this year.

If you have an existing application or integration that uses the old API, we encourage you to migrate your applications to the new API. The new OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is a great tool to help you get started. If you have any questions or require additional support, join our YouTrack Community in Slack.

Legacy Workflows

We officially discontinued support for any workflow that was written in the external YouTrack Workflow Editor in our 2019.3 release. Since then, we have dedicated our efforts to supporting workflows in JavaScript and offered tools and assistance for migrating old workflows to the new model.

Later this year, we plan to remove the logic that supports legacy workflows completely. As a result, any legacy workflow that is still attached to a project in YouTrack will stop working.

If you still rely on legacy workflows to support your business processes, please migrate them to JavaScript as soon as possible. For details, see Converting Old Workflows to JavaScript.

Last modified: 7 December 2020