YouTrack Standalone 2021.3 Help

Scrum Project Template

When you create a YouTrack project with the Scrum project template, the project is created with the default settings that are described on this page.

Issue Fields

The following issue fields are attached to the project by default:

NameTypeValuesDefault valueCan be empty
Priorityenum[*]Show-stopper, Critical, Major, Normal, MinorNormalfalse
Typeenum[1]Epic, User Story, Task, BugTaskfalse
Assigneeuser[1]<All users who are members of the group for the project team>Unassignedtrue
Statestate[1]Open, In Progress, To Verify, Done (Resolved), Duplicate (Resolved)Openfalse
Ideal daysintegerNo ideal daystrue
Story pointsintegerNo story pointstrue

Agile Boards

Two agile boards are created for the project: one for use by the project managers and another for use by the development team.

The Project Management Board is built to track the development of major features and long-term strategic planning. This board represents the relationship between epics and user stores. Only issues with these types are displayed on the board. Swimlanes are defined by epics. Estimation for the user stories is counted in story points. The project management board has the following default configuration:

GeneralName[Project Name] Project Management
owned byThe user who created the project with the Scrum project template.
Project[Project Name]
Can view and use the boardProject-based
Can edit board settingsProject-based
Board behaviorLink sprints to values for Sprints
Search queryType: Epic, {User Story}
Columns and SwimlanesColumnsare identified by State
Values for ColumnsOpen, In Progress, To Verify, Done
WIP SettingsNo — the number of tasks that are allowed in each column are not limited.
Swimlanesare identified by Issues from field Type
Values for SwimlanesEpic
CardEstimation FieldStory points
Default Value for TypeUser Story
Color SchemeThe color scheme for the cards is defined by the Priority field.
Issue FilterAll cards
Burndown calculated byIssue count

A saved search with the name [Project Name] Managers Scrum Board Backlog is created and stored as the saved search for the backlog.

The Project Development Board is built for planning and managing incremental improvements in a series of sprints. This board represents the relationship between user stories and tasks. Swimlanes are defined by user stories. This board also displays issues with the type Task. Estimation for the tasks is counted in ideal days. The board for the development team has the following default configuration:

GeneralName[Project Name] Development
owned byThe user who created the project with the Scrum project template.
Project[Project Name]
Can view and use the boardProject-based
Can edit board settingsProject-based
Board behavior

Link sprints to values for Sprints

The input field for the search query is empty and can be modified at any time.

Columns and SwimlanesColumnsare identified by State
Values for ColumnsOpen, In Progress, To Verify, Done
WIP SettingsNo — the number of tasks that are allowed in each column are not limited.
Swimlanesare identified by Issues from field Type
Values for SwimlanesUser Story
CardEstimation FieldIdeal days
Default Value for TypeTask
Color SchemeThe color scheme for the cards is defined by the Priority field.
Issue FilterAll cards
Burndown calculated byEstimation

A saved search with the name [Project Name] Scrum Board Backlog is created and stored as the saved search for the backlog.


The following default workflows are attached to the project automatically:

In addition to the default workflows, a workflow that is specific to the Scrum board is attached to the project automatically. The Scrum workflow contains several rules that help you manage assignees, ideal days, story points, and subtasks on a scrum board. For a detailed description of this workflow, see Scrum.

Last modified: 08 March 2021