YouTrack Standalone 7.0 Help

GET Project

GET /admin/project/{projectId}

Get project by its project identifier.

GET /rest/admin/project/{projectId}

Request parameters:

Name Type Description
projectId projectByIdNotStrict ID of a project to get.

Response parameters:

Name Description
name Full name of a new project. Must be unique.
id Unique identifier of a project to be created. This short name will be used as prefix in issue IDs for this project.
lead Login name of a user to be assigned as a project leader.
description Optional description of the new project.



HTTP GET: /admin/project/TP


<project name="test project" id="TP" lead="root" assigneesUrl="http://localhost:8080/charisma/rest/admin/project/TP/assignee/" subsystemsUrl="http://localhost:8080/charisma/rest/admin/project/TP/subsystem/" buildsUrl="http://localhost:8080/charisma/rest/admin/project/TP/build/" versionsUrl="http://localhost:8080/charisma/rest/admin/project/TP/version/" startingNumber="1" />
Last modified: 2 February 2017