YouTrack Standalone 7.0 Help

Notify Dependant

This workflow sends notification to the assignee of an issue when a dependant issue is resolved.

File Namejetbrains-youtrack-notifyDependant
RulesNotify assignee of dependant issue when required issue is resolved (stateless)

Use Case

This workflow lets a user know when they can resume working on an issue when all other issues that are marked as dependant are resolved.


This rule checks the status of any issues that are linked as required for. If all of the linked issues are resolved, the assignee of the blocked issue is notified.

Notify assignee of dependant issue when required issue is resolved

rule Notify assignee of dependant issue when required issue is resolved when is required for.isNotEmpty && State.changed && !State.oldValue.isResolved && State.isResolved { for each depends in is required for { if (depends.Assignee !=null && depends.Assignee !=loggedInUser && !depends.State.isResolved) { depends.Assignee.notify(l10n ( [Youtrack, Required issue is resolved] ), l10n ( Dear assignee of <a href=\" {depends.getUrl()} \"> {depends.getId()} </a>, <a href=\"{depends.getUrl()} \"> {depends.summary} </a>.<br>I'm pleased to inform you that the issue required for your work - <a href=\" {getUrl()} \"> {getId()} </a> <a href=\" {getUrl()} \"> {summary} </a> - just has been resolved.<p style=\"color: gray;font-size: 12px;margin-top: 1em;border-top: 1px solid #D4D5D6\">Sincerely yours, YouTrack</p> ), true); } } }
Last modified: 2 February 2017