YouTrack Standalone 7.0 Help

One Vote Comment

This workflow adds a vote to an issue if the comment contains "+1".

File Namejetbrains-youtrack-oneVoteComment
RulesVote for an issue if added comment contains '+1' (stateless)

Use Case

This workflow helps you track the popularity of an issue by combining feedback in an issue comment with the actual votes applied to an issue.


This rule scans the content of a comment that is added to an issue. If the comment contains the text "+1", a vote is added to the issue.

Vote for an issue if added comment contains '+1'

rule Vote for an issue if added comment contains '+1' when comments.added.isNotEmpty { var separators = " ~`!@#$%^&*()_=[]{}:;'\"|,<.>/?\n\r\t"; var text = " "; for each comment in comments.added { text = text + " " + comment.text; } text = " " + text + " "; var plus1 = "+1"; var index = text.indexOf(plus1, opts); while (index != -1) { var sepBefore = separators.contains(text.substring(index -1, index), ignoreCase); var sepAfter = separators.contains(text.substring(index + plus1.length, index + plus1.length + 1), ignoreCase); if (sepBefore && sepAfter) { loggedInUser.voteIssue(issue); if (votes.changed) { message(l10n ( The single vote is added. )); break; } } index = text.indexOf(plus1, index + plus1.length, opts); } }
Last modified: 2 February 2017