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Full Line Code Completion in JetBrains IDEs, All You Need to Know
What is full line code completion is, how does it work, what languages are supported, and how can you get started
Create Conditional Breakpoints
Add a condition to a breakpoint when debugging.
Can I script a Unity Game with AI Assistant in under 15 minutes?
In terms of game development, I am a total beginner. Can I script a Unity game with AI Assistant?
Stop using LLMs for these tasks!
Discover the ins and outs of large language models (LLMs) with Dr. Jodie Burchell.
Commit Changes
Commit your changes to VCS
Disable Usages
Disable the inlay hint for Usages
Evaluate Expression
Evaluate an expression during a debugging session
Magic Wand
Use the Magic Wand to Resolve Simple Conflicts
Open File
Open a file from the Project tool window
Quick Documentation
Pull up Quick Documentation in the editor
Type Information
Pull up Type Information for an expression
pytest Framework
Discover one of Python's most popular test frameworks!