What is a code freeze?

A code freeze, also known as a feature freeze or a hard freeze, is a period of time during which no new code changes are allowed to be introduced into a software project. The purpose of a code freeze is to stabilize the codebase in preparation for a major release or other milestone.

During a code freeze, developers are typically not allowed to commit new code changes or make any other modifications to the codebase. This allows the project team to focus on testing and debugging the existing code, and to ensure that the software is stable and ready for release.

Code freezes are usually implemented at key points in the development process, such as when preparing for a production release or when preparing for a demo or presentation. They may be implemented for a specific period of time, or may be in effect until a specific milestone has been reached.

Continuous deployment may reduce the need for a code freeze by enabling small, incremental changes to be automatically and continuously deployed to production. However, code freezes may still be used in situations where a more comprehensive testing and stabilization period is required before a major release.