What are different types of testing?

Automated testing is a key component of any CI/CD. Introducing different types of tests will help your team not to compromise on quality as you scale your application. Here are the most common types of testing.

  1. Accessibility testing. During the course of accessibility testing, the team ensures that the application is accessible by people with disabilities, such as color blindness, hearing disorder, low vision, etc. Accessibility testing is part of a larger group of tests - usability testing.
  2. Acceptance testing. It’s another type of testing that determines to what extent the application meets business requirements and end-user needs. Normally, acceptance testing produces a binary result - either the tests are passed or failed.
  3. Black box testing. This is a type of software testing that checks the functionality of the software without examining its code or internal structure. Basically, testing is conducted without the internal knowledge of the product. In the black box testing, the functionality of the software is unknown.
  4. End-to-end testing. As suggested by its name, end to end testing, also known as E2E testing, is a type of testing that checks the entire functionality of a software application or product from beginning to end. The goal of end-to-end testing is to simulate and test a real world usage scenario from start to finish.
  5. Functional testing. This is a type of testing that validates the software application against the functional specifications and requirements. With functional testing, we try to establish whether the application works as it’s supposed to.
  6. Integration testing. When this technique is used, individual units or components of a software application are combined and tested as a group. The purpose of integration testing is to verify that the components of an application work together and function as intended. Integration testing is typically performed after unit testing and before system testing.
  7. Interactive testing. This is a type of testing in which a human tester manually executes a set of test cases on a software application and verifies the results. Interactive testing is useful because it allows the tester to explore the application in detail and identify issues that may not be caught by automated testing techniques.
  8. Load testing. This is a type of performance testing that is designed to evaluate how a system, network, or application performs under a heavy workload. Load testing is used to determine how the system behaves under normal and peak load conditions, and to identify any bottlenecks or other issues that may arise. Load testing is important because it helps to ensure that a system can handle the expected level of traffic or usage without experiencing performance issues.