YouTrack Now With Timesheets

YouTrack 2021.3 comes with Timesheets, a major new time-tracking feature that makes it easier than ever to track, manage, and report time spent on tasks and projects. We’ve also added GitLab to the Import wizard and fully localized YouTrack into three more languages.


Timesheets in YouTrack provide an easy way to view and manage work items (time tracking entries) for individual assignees, teams, and projects. Work items can be displayed and edited in a calendar or in an interactive spreadsheet.

GitLab imports

GitLab imports

You can now migrate issues, projects, users, and other entities from GitLab to YouTrack via the Import wizard. You can also configure continuous imports from GitLab to YouTrack.

New localizations

YouTrack is now fully localized into Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Brazilian Portuguese. These official localizations are managed by JetBrains and will be kept up to date with every future release of YouTrack.

Legacy REST API discontinued

The legacy YouTrack REST API is now discontinued. Any integrations, including third-party integrations, that continue to rely on the legacy REST API may not work properly with YouTrack versions 2021.3 and later.