My Account
To get your account details, click your name in the sidebar menu.
Edit account data
Click your name in the sidebar menu.
On the sidebar account menu, select My Account.
Edit the different parts of your account:
profile picture (avatar) – click the placeholder image and follow the instructions
first and last name, username, and others
Click Save.
Personal settings
From the account menu, you can quickly access and manage the following parts of your CodeCanvas environment:
My Account
Edit your personal profile information.
Logins – change your password and view login history
2FA – set up two-step verification for your account.
SSH Keys – set up SSH keys to provide SSH access to dev environments from your local machine.
Personal Tokens – create and manage permanent tokens to authenticate external applications on your behalf.
Sessions – track the history of logins to your account and spot any unauthorized access.
Authorized Applications – view service accounts that you've authorized.
Permissions – view your permissions.